DCU Research Lifecycle - Contact Us

DCU Research has mapped the DCU Research Lifecycle and supports available to assist you throughout the Research Lifecycle - from defining your project idea and applying for funding, through to running and finishing your project.
This content was developed as part of a large-scale cross-team project. Project team members included members from the Research Development, Research Support, Research Project Administration, and Research Infrastructure teams. The information included in the Lifecycle was compiled from hundreds of engagements (including surveys, focus groups, meetings and user testing) with researchers and support staff across DCU.
We will continue to monitor and update the information as required.
We’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us at research@dcu.ie and we will answer your query or request as quickly as possible.
Reasons you may wish to contact us include, to:
- add information regarding additional supports available
- suggest a frequently asked question to add to the FAQ page
- request an amendment to some of the content
- suggest improvements
- ask a question or request further information.