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Atomic Force Microscopy

Bruker Dimension Icon AFM

The Dimension ICON AFM provides additional AFM capabilities with low noise and high speed imaging.

The advance control hardware provides quality images in a fraction of the time. This system has two additional imaging modes; Peak Force Tapping and Quantitative Nano Mechanical Mapping, which can provide height images and mechanical properties maps at the same time.


Bruker Dimension ICON AFM

Bruker Dimension Icon AFM

With probe calibration it is possible to get absolute values for:

  • Height

  • Young’s Modulus

  • Deformation

  • Adhesion

  • Dissipation

Academic: €13/hr
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: barry.oconnell@dcu.ie


Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM

The Dimension 3100 AFM is a multi-mode atomic force microscope, equipped with a NanoScope IIIa controller for topological imaging of surfaces on the micro and nano scale. Our purpose built AFM lab is equipped with a vibration isolation platform and the instrument is housed in an isolation hood to reduce noise.

Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM

Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM

The sample stage allows for large samples sizes, with a scan size of up to 100 µm in the X & Y and 6 µm in the Z. As it operates in air, sample preparation is minimal and the instrument is suitable for a large range of applications:

  • Polymers

  • Biomaterials and Biological Specimens

  • Metals

  • Thin Films

  • Ceramics

Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM

Bruker Dimension 3100 AFM

The Dimension 3100 can operate in various modes :  

  • Contact mode

  • Tapping mode

  • Phase imaging

  • Lateral force mode

  • Force imaging

  • Magnetic force mode

Academic: €13/hr
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: barry.oconnell@dcu.ie