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3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing

Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT

Two Photon Lithography

The highest resolution commercially available 3D printer. The system utilizes two-photon polymerisation of various UV-Curable photoresists to fabricate complex shaped structures with finest feature sizes in the sub-micrometer range. In addition, the Photonic Professional GT allows for the fabrication of high-resolution photo masks and other direct write applications.



Piezo Mode

GalvoScan Mode

Stage Scan Mode









Max speed:




Optimal repeatability: 

5nm 14nm 1.5um


Academic: €14/hr
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: stephen.fuller@dcu.ie

Raise3D Pro2 Plus

Fused Deposition Modelling

This 3D printer boasts a huge build volume of 305 x 305 x 605 mm3 and features a dual print-head extrusion manifold with an electronic lifting system. Supported file types include those commonly found in the main CAD software packages used within the NRF and DCU, i.e. STL, OBJ and 3MF.

Raise 3D Printer

Raise3D Pro2 Plus

  • Interchangeable nozzles to suit different extrusion diameters; 200um to 1,000um

  • Max. nozzle temperature of 300C making it suitable for a large variety of materials

  • Layer Height / Resolution: 10um

  • Max. Build Plate Temperature: 110C

  • Large variety of Filament Materials including open-source materials (e.g. PLA, ABS, HIPS, PVA, PC, PETG, TPU, TPE, PP, Nylon, Carbon Fiber Infused, Metal Fill, Wood Fill)

  • Enclosed Build Chamber with HEPA Air Filtration

  • Built-in camera for remote monitoring

Academic: On Request
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: stephen.fuller@dcu.ie

Stratasys Objet260 Connex 1

Polyjet Printing


The Objet260 Connex1 allows printing of three-material models as large as 255 × 252 × 200 mm.  The instrument has 16-micron layer accuracy and 14 photopolymers to simulate a range of material properties. 

Connex 1

Stratasys Objet260 Connex 1

The Objet260 Connex1 offers 14 base materials including: 

  • Rigid Opaque (VeroWhitePlus, VeroBlackPlus, VeroGray and VeroBlue)

  • Rubber-like (Tango family)

  • Transparent (RGD720 & VeroClear)

  • Simulated Polypropylene (Endur and Durus)

  • Biocompatible (MED610)

  • High Temperature (RGD525)

Academic: €10/hr
Industry: On Request

*Prices are for guidance only and refer to instrument charges. Materials costs not included. 

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: stephen.fuller@dcu.ie

Dolomite Fluidic Factory

Fused Deposition Modelling
Fluidic Factory

Dolomite Fluidic Factory

Fluidically sealed devices with leak-free flow paths. This printer uses chemically and biologically compatible COC (Cyclic Olefin Copolymer), a hard, translucent and FDA approved polymer for implantables. Ideal for a wide range of applications.

3 dimensional mixers, non-rectangular chips, unique channel geometries and features not possible using etching, embossing, moulding or machining

Academic: €7/hr
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: stephen.fuller@dcu.ie

Stratsys Dimension UPrint

Fused Deposition Modelling
Stratsys Dimension UPrint

Stratsys Dimension UPrint

The uPrint is a workhorse printer producing high quality parts as large as 203 x 152 x 152mm produced in 0.254mm slices. It uses soluble support material which means the finished parts are quickly cleaned with the built in wavewash system.

Academic: €7/hr
Industry: On Request

Request Access

Admin: research.facilities@dcu.ie
Technical: stephen.fuller@dcu.ie