Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations
Our Premise

- Many people are open to an ambitious ‘imaging’ of the future
- The UN sustainable development goals have set key parameters such as the interdependence of issue areas, the role of civil society, and respect for ethical and cultural factors
- Active citizenship depends in the long run on values and ideas
Image: Mughal emperor Jahangir with Jesus (17th century) © The Trustees of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin
Our Vision
- Freedom of religion or belief, a basic human right, involves a collective dimension
- Religious communities cross frontiers. Their concern with life in community and common action in response to common challenges fits the needs of our time
- Religion should have a voice in a secular, pluralist society
- A dialogue that bring into play the conscience and personal commitment of leaders and citizens is an essential ‘part of the solution’ on the island of Ireland, in the European Union and more widely
Our Actions
- Education for dialogue through the development of an interdisciplinary module for postgraduate students
- A continuing close examination of the concepts that enable mutually beneficial engagement between public authorities and religious communities
- Research and policy development, through our partnership with the Irish Council of Churches/Irish Inter-Church Meeting
- Engagement with like-minded bodies and academic institutions