Registry - Plagiarism, Copying and Collusion


plagiarism, copying and collusion

Notice To All Students

  • Plagiarism is a major offence in the University
  • It is the act of taking and using another persons' thoughts or work as your own.
  • It includes inadequate referencing, reproducing the work (even with small changes) of another taken from books, journals, articles, TV programmes, the Internet, lectures and so on.
  • It also includes copying another person's work, with or without his/her consent.
  • Also included is collusion where a group of people collaborate or collude to present an assessment or a substantial part thereof, when the examiner required individual research and outcome.
  • These offences will be dealt with by the University with the utmost gravity.
  • You should be very clear how to reference your assessed work.
  • You should not use another student's assessed work -either with or without their consent unless you attribute it to him/her.
  • You should not give your assessed work to another student for him/her to copy.
  • You should familiarise yourself with the University's Regulation on Plagiarism, Copying and Collusion (see Registry Website)
  • You must sign and submit the declaration which is included on the Regulation on Plagiarism, Copying and Collusion with EACH piece of assessed work you submit.
  • You can expect a penalty concomitant with the seriousness of an offence against the Regulation