HSS GTE Law and Government
Course Short Code
Course Year
Course Offering: 01


The purpose of this information sheet is to allow you view all modules connected to the Qualification, optional and core.

You should print this sheet out and then continue to the next step where your registration will take place.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you register correctly.




This overview proposes a structured 4-year PhD programme for the School of Law & Government that will act as the umbrella programme for graduate students registered in the School with a focus on conducting discipline-based research. The student’s original research is presented in thesis format and this thesis is the sole means of assessment for the award of the PhD. 


Selection and Registration

In addition, during their period of registration students can avail of a mix of modules to provide discipline specific knowledge and develop generic skills and autonomy to augment and support their postgraduate research. These will include: 


 Up to 20 credits of core discipline-specific modules;

 10 credits of core generic and transferable skills;

 Up to 20 additional credits for selected elective modules.

Students will normally take 20 credits in year one and 10 credits over the remaining two years. Students will focus exclusively on research in year 4 but discretion about the number of annual credits is permitted to suit the work programme of each student. 


A student may register for alternative modules to those outlined on this structure if the original module(s) are not available provided the alternative meets the required research/graduate training objective as agreed with the Supervisor. 


Along with level 9 modules, appropriate level 8 modules may be taken following discussion with the Supervisor and module coordinator. It is policy in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences that all research students who are assigned any teaching-related responsibilities must complete GS602 Postgraduate Tutoring Principles and Practice. All research students in their first year of registration must also complete the relevant stream of the self-directed Online Research Integrity Training Module. Students should register for their approved GTEs during the online registration process.



The Structured Pathway work plan for each student should be discussed and agreed in the first instance with the Supervisor and progress (including confirmation of completion of Online Research Integrity Training Module and other modules) recorded on the annual PGR2 form. 


Induction and Training 

Research students are also encouraged to take advantage of additional training opportunities offered by the Graduate Studies Office as appropriate throughout their period of study. In year one, at the time of initial registration, new students are expected to attend orientation sessions, the GSO- & library-run programmes and other relevant induction sessions. 

Core Discipline Specific Modules


LG609   Research Design for the Social Sciences 5 Credits  
LG608Research Methods 5 Credits
LG602Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences 1 5 Credits
LG5028Legal & Socio-Legal Research Skills 10 Credits
LG5036Research and Methods in Law and Public Policy 10 Credits

Core Transferable Skills Modules

GS602Postgraduate Tutoring Principles & Practice 

5 Credits  

LC604Publishing Landscape5 Credits


I have read and understood the above registration instructions.

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