Student Engagement Initiatives and Activities
DCU values the importance of ensuring the student voice is heard and the benefits of working in tandem to address issues or concerns raised in an effective and efficient manner. With strong working relationships currently in place with the DCUSU Executive Team and the Office for Student Life (OSL), DCU is keen to progress these relationships through this Partnership Framework, which details a number of clear working streams to focus our efforts. DCU recognises the importance of student representation, which is evident by already strong membership on University decision-making structures, and remains committed to supporting the advancement of student readiness for participation in these structures through the delivery of appropriate and effective training for all student representatives.
The DCU Student Partnership Framework identifies three streams of activity under University-Student partnership: student representation, feedback and dialogue, and opportunities for staff-student activities. Our approach to implementing initiatives under each of these streams will be informed by the values of the Framework, and is underpinned by an acknowledgement that both staff and students will require support in creating positive impact across all streams.
The Framework is aligned to the broader NStEP domains of effective student engagement, this framework will pave the way to advance student participation in
1) Governance and Management
2) Student Experience
3) Quality Assurance and Enhancement
Programme Development and Review
The Framework recognises the value of student representation in academic processes through which the University develops and delivers its programmes. This includes ensuring student representation on committees tasked with decision-making on new programme development, programmatic review, and curriculum reform. The Framework acknowledges the important role played by both Associate Deans for Teaching and Learning and student Faculty Convenors in developing strong working relationships for effective representation in these activities. The Framework also considers the important role played by elected class representatives on programme boards.
Student Representatives on Quality Review Panels
As part of the implementation of the Framework, the University shall develop procedures to enable the participation of student representatives as members of Peer Review Groups as part of cyclical quality reviews. Alongside national and international peer reviewers, student reviewers shall participate as full members of Peer Review Groups for all DCU quality reviews of academic and professional support areas. The Framework shall be supplemented by the development of procedures by DCU Quality Promotion Committee on student reviewer eligibility, training and support for student reviewers to full take part in DCU internal reviews.
Learner Participation in DCU Quality Reviews
Our Quality Review process unites Faculties, Schools, Students and Professional Support areas in a drive to continuously enhance the quality of DCU and the educational experience of all its students. The QIO strongly encourages the active participation of students in University quality assurance and enhancement processes.
Students are invited to participate in our quality reviews to ensure that the process covers issues of primary concern to our learners. Students are invited to participate in two ways;
1. Each Peer Review Group (our panel of external and internal experts) includes one Student Reviewer
2. Peer Review Group visits include meetings with representatives of the student body.
I have been asked to attend a session with a Peer Review Group (PRG). What to expect as as student representative?
Students are invited to meet with the PRG during their site visit and to comment on all aspects of their student and learning experience. This may involve commenting on curriculum, accessibility of staff, teaching and assessment methods, student supports, etc. Generally, the PRG will meet with representatives at various stages of undergraduate and postgraduate studies. If you are invited to attend a session, you will attend with a number of other students. These meetings generally last around 45 minutes and the focus typically covers many aspects of the student experience in DCU.
Following the review visit, students have an opportunity to view the PRG Report and Quality Enhancement Plan following publication on the QIO Webpage.
Why is it important to attend these meetings?
If you have been invited to meet with the PRG, you will be representing your fellow students and ensuring that their experiences are captured in the PRG report. The variety of voices and views of the student body must be well-represented at these sessions.
The National Student Engagement Programme (N-STEP) is a collaborative initiative under development by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). Formally launched in April 2016 with 5 initial Institutions participants, the programme will continue to work to develop student capabilities and institutional capacity in order to enhance engagement at all levels across the higher education system.
In a partnership model, the programme aims to support institutions in developing processes and activities which support/facilitate the meaningful engagement of students.
DCU will join 23 other Institutions to participate in the second phase of the pilot programme for the academic year 2017/18. The process, which is informed by the work of Sparqs (Students PARtnerships in Quality Scotland), has two primary objectives;
- to develop and support the implementation of a student training programme;
- to build institutional capacity to provide high quality opportunities for learners to engage.
The aim is to;
- develop student capabilities to engage in quality assurance and quality enhancement with higher education institutions;
- support institutions in facilitating meaningful engagement with students;
- strengthen the value of student engagement;
- develop and implement tools and resources to build effective engagement practice; and
- systematically improve student engagement across all higher education institutions.
For further information or to discuss any aspect of this initiative please contact the DCU Co-ordinator, Celine Heffernan directly (celine.heffernan@dcu.ie).
Student participation in surveys at both National and University level(s) provides valuable insight into the student experience and an opportunity to enhance the impact of their journey through third-level education. It is important that both the University continues to work in partnership with students, building on a culture that encourages survey participation, to inform enhancements to the student experience. Student engagement in national surveys like Studentsurvey.ie, as well as university level surveys, strengthens our understanding of student needs and expectations. Data gathered informs strategic change and highlights areas for quality improvement, all of which is widely shared with student reps and the broader student body. The Framework acknowledges the importance of the sharing of results of student surveys with students and staff, and aims to provide opportunities to demonstrate impact and enhancements as a result of student survey feedback.
An ongoing series of informal staff-student dialogue opportunities have been developed at DCU, as a result of its participation in the national NStEP initiative. Following a pilot in one academic School and one Faculty in 2017/18, the Staff-Student Forums were rolled out at faculty-level in all five academic faculties in 2018/19. The co-ordination of these meetings are co-managed by the Quality Promotion Office and the Office of Student Life are facilitated by the Quality Promotion Office (QPO). They aim to supplement student representation in formal Boards and University committees at DCU, and aim to provide an informal opportunity for ongoing dialogue between staff and students.
The Staff-Student Forums have proven to be very helpful in deepening the effectiveness of our partnership approach to student engagement across all academic campuses as it provides an opportunity to resolve issues regularly, and within an informal setting for both staff and students.
These forums have been implemented across all five faculties for two consecutive years and have already provided evidence of enhancing staff-student relations. Further, and following a successful pilot with the Registry in early 2020, the Student-Staff Forums will be implemented across all key student-facing professional support units during the 2020/21 academic term providing a platform for meaningful dialogue addressing other important aspects of the student life-cycle. This framework formally recognises the importance of sustaining these local level partnerships and supports the further extension of this model of engagement