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Quality and Institutional Insights Office

QuID Call 2025

2025 Theme: Fostering Global Engagement

Engagement is integral to DCU’s DNA.  This year’s QuID funding call emphasises DCU’s commitment to global engagements and partnerships, and to supporting our international students, stakeholders and communities. 

The call aims to leverage the diverse strengths of the DCU community to advance our strategic commitments to global engagement through our research, teaching, support and engagement activities.  Proposals involving our ECIU partners are particularly welcomed.  We also encourage projects that involve students, however, a staff member must make and oversee these submissions and projects. 

We are seeking submissions under several key topics as listed below:

International Student and Staff Experience

For example:

  • Develop a programme, opportunity, or support that enhances the experiences or well-being of our international students and staff.
  • Develop initiatives to support the onboarding and integration of international students into the Irish university experience
Culturally Responsive Teaching, Evaluation and Assessment

For example: 

  • Develop a resource for faculty to implement teaching, learning  and assessment practices that reflect and support the diversity of our student body
  • Innovate curricula or co-curricular content to integrate global perspectives (including cultural, political and social-economical diversity)
Global Engagement

For example:

  • Pursue an opportunity for a new or enhanced relationship with an international institution, organisation, or industry to enhance collaborative and learning opportunities and/or resource sharing.
  • Explore global collaborative and engaged research practices (citizen science/PPI) to augment the global relevance and reach of DCU research. 
Global Campus

For example:

  • Develop an activity or event (educational, sporting, or cultural) to promote cultural diversity, understanding, inclusion, and community spirit.
Global Communications/Reach

For example:

  • Explore ways to share our successes and expand our reach to a global audience, enhancing DCU’s impact and reputation.
  • Develop activities that promote the open sharing of research data and outputs to increase the international reach of our work.