
Academic biography
Dr James Brunton is Assistant Professor and Programme Chair of the DCU Connected Psychology Major programme at Dublin City University, which is an online, open education programme accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). He graduated from University College Cork with a BA (Hons) in Applied Psychology, and with a PhD in Psychology from the Business School in Dublin City University. James is a Chartered member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (C. Psychol., Ps.S.I.; C. Work & Org. Psychol. Ps.S.I.), and a Chartered member and Associate Fellow with the British Psychological Society (CPsychol BPS, AFBPsS). James is also an EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Fellow, an Advance HE Senior Fellow (SFHEA), and Professor Extraordinarious in the University of South Africa (UNISA).
You can contact James: james.brunton@dcu.ie or on Twitter @drjamesbrunton
Research interests
Working within DCU’s School of Psychology, in the Faculty of Science and Health, James’ research interests include the psychology of identity, identity formation and identity management processes, socialisation/orientation processes for ‘off-campus’ higher education students, online learning design, open pedagogy, and digital assessment. James is available to supervise doctoral students in any of these areas of research interest. James is currently the principal investigator/DCU principal investigator on a number of locally and EU funded projects, including the Opengame (Promoting Open Education through Gamification) project and BUKA (Advancing Equity and Access to Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning) project.
James' research has been published in journals such as Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, Open Praxis, Educational Media International, Frontiers in Psychology, and Studies in Higher Education. James is an Editor/Senior Editor for three peer reviewed, open access journals: Editor for Research in Learning Technology, published by the Association for Learning Technology; Editor for ASEAN Journal of Open and Distance Learning; and Senior Editor for Europe’s Journal of Psychology.