DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - Teaching and Learning
annual report 2001
teaching and learning
Dean: Dr Barry McMullin
- Development of the "Education and Learning Theme Action Plan" as a contribution to the DCU Strategic Plan 2001-2005.
- funding of IE£130,000 (EUR170,000), over three years, secured for DCU Teaching and Learning initiatives under the HEA Trageted Initiatives Scheme.
- Establishment of DCU based travel and project funding schemes to support and encourage excellence in Teaching and Learning.
- Dr. Barry McMullin was appointed for a three-year term as DCU's first Dean of Teaching and Learning, in February 1999. The office of the Dean of Teaching and Learning, or ODTL, was established at the start of the academic year 1999-2000. It acts as a focus for DCU's institutional commitment to delivering the best international practice in university teaching and learning.
- Convening the Education and Learning Theme Group as part of development of the DCU Strategic Plan 2001-2005. This culminated in the drafting of the "Education and Learning Theme Action Plan".
- External funding of IE£130,000 (EUR 170,000), over three years, secured for DCU Teaching and Learning initiatives under the HEA Trageted Initiatives Scheme.
- Establishing the Teaching and Learning "Small Project Scheme".
This provided funding of up to IE£5,000 (EUR 6350) per project for the development of activities, resources, etc., to enhance Teaching and Learning at DCU. Two separate calls were made under the scheme; 28 awards were made for a total allocation of IE£120,000 (EUR 152,000). - Establishing the Teaching and Learning "Travel Award Scheme".
This provided individual funding of up to IE£1,500 (EUR 1,900) to support travel costs and related expenses (e.g. subsistance, conference fees) for activities which could contribute significantly to the development and enhancement of teaching and learning in DCU. This scheme was primarily intended to support members of the DCU community in travelling to external locations; however, applications were also considered to support travel to DCU by external visitors. The scheme operated a rolling call with rapid decisions on specific applications; 35 awards were made, for a total allocation of IE£34,000 (EUR 43,000). - Organising the DCU "Teaching and Learning Week", in January 2001, which comprised a variety of training events supporting DCU staff development in Teaching and Learning. This also featured the formal launch of a substantial new collection of education related materials in DCU library, developed in collaboration with ODTL.
- Organising a weekly seminar series, in conjunction with the Office of the Dean of Research. The series featured DCU staff presenting leading work in both research and teaching domains.