Annual Report 2001 - School of Physical Sciences

annual report 2001

school of physical sciences

Research Carried out / Ongoing

Cafolla AA
  • Development of a Reflectance Anisotropy Spectrometer Surface Science. Postgraduate research. Funded by NCSR.
  • With G Hughes. Organic Assemblies on Silicon Surfaces. Collaborative research. Funded by Enterprise Ireland, Basic Science Award.
  • With C Barnes. Scanning tunnelling microscopy study of the In/Cu(100) surface alloy. Postgraduate research. Funded by NCPST.
  • With D O'Mahony (DIT). Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy study of indum reconstructions on silicon surfaces. /Surface Science. Collaboration with Dr D O'Mahony, Dublin Institute of Technology. Postgraduate funding and materials supplied by Dr D O'Mahony.
Costello JT
  • Vacuum-UV Photoabsorption Imaging Facility. Postgraduate/Postdoctoral research. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grant Scheme and Int'l Collab Scheme. Collaboration with Prof ET Kennedy (All DCU) and Prof P Nicolosi/ Dr L Poletto (Univ. Padua).
  • Ultrafast X-ray Dual Laser Plasma Photoabsorption. Basic research. Funded by EU-FP5-Facilities Access Programme. Collaboration with Dr P Dunne/ Prof G O'Sullivan (UCD), Prof CLS Lewis (QUB) and Dr D Neely (RAL, UK).
  • Laser Plasma Source Development and Applications. Facility development. Funded by NCPST, DCU. Collaboration with Prof ET Kennedy and Dr A Neogi (All DCU).
  • VUV-DLP Studies of Atoms and Ions. Postdoctoral research. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grant Scheme. Collaboration with Prof ET Kennedy (DCU), Prof G O'Sullivan (UCD), Prof M Mansfield (UCC), Prof V Sukhorikov (Univ. Rostov) and Dr M M Martins (Frei Universitat Berlin).
Henry MO
  • Radioactive isotopes in semiconductor defect analysis. Personal and postgraduate research. Funded by EU (Large Scale Facilities at CERN).
  • With Dr P McNally. Defect identification in high temperature semiconductors. Postgraduate research. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
Hughes G
  • With Dr Tony Cafolla. Organic assemblies on silicon surfaces. Postdoctoral and postgraduate research. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Basic Science Research Scheme.
Kennedy ET
  • Director of the National Centre for Plasma and Technology, supported the HEA PRTLI Programme
  • With JT Costello, J-P Mosnier and P van Kampen. Development of a Pump-Probe Facility for the Free Electron Laser at DESY, Hamburg. EU RTD Network project involving several groups in Europe and the CLPR at DCU EU RTD Programme.
  • New methods for controlling the conditions in laser generated plasmas. Enterprise Ireland Basic Science Project 1999-2002.
  • Inner-shell and multi-electron excitations in atoms and ions. Enterprise Ireland International Collaboration Project 2001-2002.
  • With JT Costello, J-P Mosnier and P van Kampen. Free Electron Laser Development and Multi-Laser Plasma Investigations. Postgraduate research. Funded by RSPGC Research Committee.
Mac Craith B
  • Intelligent Sensing Systems for Science Education and Bio-monitoring. Funded by Media Lab Europe/HEA.
  • Non-contact colour & turbidity sensor. Funded by Yorkshire Water.
  • Bio-Diagnostic Sensor Development. Funded by Inverness Medical.
  • Development of Optical Ammonia Sensor. Funded by Yorkshire Water.
  • Hydrocarbex: Determination of Hydrocarbons in Water. Funded by European Commission.
  • INTELLIPAK - Intelligent Food Packages. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • LOADMON - Wastewater Pollution Load Monitor. Funded by European Commission Brite-Euram Programme.
  • MISPEC - Multi Parametric in-situ Spectroscopic Measuring System for Coastal Monitoring. Funded by European Commission Mast III Project.
  • MUVAST - Microfabrication with Ultra-Violet Assisted Sol-Gel Technology. Funded by European Commission.
  • IRSource - Development novel infrared light sources for sensing. Funded by Enterprise Ireland (Optronics Ireland).
  • NitraSens - Development of a portable on-line nitrate sensor for drinking water. Funded by Enterprise Ireland (Optronics Ireland)
  • OptiWave - Development of planar optical devices for telecommunications and sensor applications. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • With C McDonagh. Development of Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) Technology for Pressure Mapping in Aerodynamic Applications. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • OPTOCURE - Development of an Online Adhesive Cure Monitor. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • OPTOPLAS - Optical-based Plasma Diagnostic Systems. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • Patterned Optical Chips for Multianalyte Immunosensors. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • SOFIE - Spectroscopy using Optical Fibres in the Marine Environment. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
McDonagh C
  • With B MacCraith. Development of Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP) Technology for Pressure Mapping in Aerodynamic Applications. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Strategic Programme.
  • With B MacCraith and R O'Kennedy. Multianalyte Optical Immunosensor. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Strategic Programme.
  • With B MacCraith. Dissolved Oxygen Sensor.
  • With B MacCraith. Intellipak: Optical Sensing of Intelligent Food Packages. Funded by Advanced Technology Research Programme (EI).
McGlynn E
  • With Dr J-P Mosnier. Pulsed Laser Deposition of ZnO Thin Films. Postgraduate research. Collaboration with Professor J Lunney, TCD. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grants Scheme.
  • With Dr J-P Mosnier. Study of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors grown via Pulsed Laser Deposition. Postgraduate research. Collaboration with Professor J Lunney, TCD. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grants Scheme.
  • With Professor MO Henry. Radioactive Isotopes for Semiconductor Defect Identification. Postgraduate research. Funded by DCU staff travel funds, School of Physical Sciences, Enterprise Ireland.
van Kampen P
  • VUV reflection and transmission imaging of thin films. Postgraduate research. Part-funded by an Albert College Career Start Fellowship.
  • Fluorescence of atoms and molecules. Collaboration with Dr M Meyer of LURE. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Collaboration Grant.
  • XUV and VUV photoabsorption of atoms and ions
Research visits / Travel
Cafolla A
  • Collaborative research with Dr P Moriarty, Physics Dept. University of Nottingham. Investigations of Acene Molecules on Silicon Surfaces. Funded by Enterprise Ireland/ British Council 30 April 2001 - 30 April 2002.
Henry MO
  • Discussion of future EU funding application to maintain collaboration at CERN. Funded by DCU 20-21 September 2001.
Hughes GJ
  • To undertake Synchrotron Radiation studies of wide bandgap semiconductors at the NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA. Funded by Enterprise Ireland and University Research Advisory Panel. 2 July - 28 August 2001.
Kennedy ET
  • Research visits to Hamburg HASYLAB, 22-25 March 2001, 3-6 May 2001 and 20-23 September 2001.
  • Research visit to Lund, Sweden, 13-14 July 2001.
  • Research visit to McPhersons Inc. Mass., 4 April 2001.
  • Research visit to Boston University, 5 April 2001.
  • Attended conference on "The Challenge of High Resolution X-Ray through IR Spectroscopy of Photoionized Plasmas" Lexington, Kentucky, 14-20 November 2000.
  • Research Committee Travel Grant to support attendance at ICPEAC 2001.
McDonagh C
  • 11th International Workshop on Glasses, Ceramics and Gels, Padua, Italy. Funded by Research and Postgraduate Studies Committee, DCU, 16-21 September 2001.
van Kampen P
  • Total of four weeks at CEA Cadarache, France, to set up a Cavity Ring Down experiment, June 2001 and August 2001.
  • Two weeks at LURE, Orsay, France, two-colour fluorescence experiments, September 2001.