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Annual Report 2001 - School of Mathematical Sciencs

annual report 2001

school of mathematical sciencs


Brady T
Brady T
"A Partial Order on the Symmetric Group and new K($pi$, 1)'s for the Braid Groups."
Advances in Mathematics, 161, 2001, pp 20-40.

Burzlaff J
Burzlaff, J. and Kellegher, E.
"Expansion in the distance parameter for two vortices close together."
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42, 2001, pp 182-191.

Abdelwahid, F. and Burzlaff, J.
"A study of monopole scattering through power series expansions."
Reports on Mathematical Physics, 48, 2001, pp 415-423.

Downes T
Downes T, Duffy P and Komissarov S
"Light curves and spectra from gamma-ray bursts, Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe."
Proceedings of the 4th Integral Workshop, Eds A. Gimenez, V. Reglero and C. Winkler, ESA-SP 459, 2001, pp 411-413.

Downes T, Duffy P and Komissarov S
"Simulations of synchrotron emission from gamma ray bursts. Similarities and Universality in Relativistic Flows."
Proceedings of the PhD Euroconference, Mykonos, Greece. Eds. M. Georganopoulos, A. Guthmann, K Manolakou, A. Marcowith (Logos-Verlag), 2001, pp 188-125.

Downes T
"Can jets from young stars drive molecular outflows?"
The Irish Scientist Yearbook, No. 7, 2000, 167.

Nolan B
Nolan B
"A note on behaviour at an isotropic singularity??"
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18, 2001, 1127.

Nolan B
"Sectors of spherical homothetic collapse."
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 18, 2001, 1651.

O'Riordan E
Miller JJH, O'Riordan E, Shishkin GI and Wang S
"A parameter-uniform Schwarz method for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem with an interior layer."
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 35(4), 2000, pp 323-337.

Clavero C, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Numerical experiments for advection-diffusion problems in a channel with a 180° bend."
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 118(2-3), 2001, pp 223-246.

MacMullen H, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"A second order parameter-robust overlapping Schwarz method for reaction-diffusion problems with boundary layers."
J. Comp. Appl. Maths. 130(1-2), 2001, pp 231-244.

Farrell PA, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Uniformly convergent finite difference methods for singularly perturbed quasilinear differential equations."
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 1(2), 2001, pp154-172.

Farrell PA, Hegarty AF, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"On Reynolds-uniform numerical methods in parabolic boundary layer regions for Prandtl's problems."
Proc. of 3rd International Conference FDS2000, Sept. 1-4, 2000, Palanga, Lithuania, Finite difference schemes: theory and applications, Eds. R. Ciegis, A. Samarskii and M. Sapagovas, IMI, Vilnius, 2000, pp 215-225.

Matthews S, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Parameter-robust numerical methods for a system of reaction-diffusion problems with boundary layers."
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Convection-Dominated and Singularly Perturbed Problems, Eds. J.J.H. Miller, G.I. Shishkin and L.Vulkov Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2000, pp 219-224.

Mac Mullen H, Miller JJH, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Overlapping Schwarz method for convection-diffusion problems with boundary layers."
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Convection-Dominated and Singularly Perturbed Problems, J.J.H. Miller, G.I. Shishkin and L.Vulkov (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2000, pp 213-218.

Dunne RK, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Singularly perturbed parabolic problems on non-rectangular domains."
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference NAA'2000, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 11-15, 2000 (L.Vulkov, J.Wasniewski and P.Yalamov eds.) / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 1988, 2001, pp 265-272.

Mac Mullen H, O'Riordan E and Shishkin GI
"Schwarz Methods for Convection-Diffusion Problems."
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference NAA'2000, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 11-15, 2000 (L.Vulkov, J.Wasniewski and P.Yalamov (Eds.), / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp 544-551.

Shishkin GI, Farrell PA, Hegarty AF, Miller JJH and O'Riordan E
"On a necessary requirement for Re-uniform numerical methods to solve boundary layer equations for flow past a flat plate."
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference NAA'2000, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 11-15, 2000 (L.Vulkov, J. Wasniewski and P.Yalamov eds.) / Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 1988, 2001, pp 723-731.

O'Sullivan N
O'Sullivan N
"The genus and localization of finitely generated (torsion-free abelian)-by-finite groups."
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 128, 2000, pp 257-268.

O'Sullivan N
"Genus and cancellation."
Communications in Algebra, 28, 2000, pp 3387-3400.

O'Sullivan N
"Localization of virtually nilpotent groups."
Proc. of Crystallographic groups and their generalisations, Contemporary Maths series, AMS, 262, 2000, pp 253-262.

O'Sullivan, N.
"Localizations of free soluble groups."
Journal of Group Theory, 4, 2001, pp 89-96.