Annual Report 2001 - School of Computer Applications

annual report 2001

school of computer applications

External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies

Brophy N
  • Member, Irish Computer Society
  • Member, IEEE Computer Society
  • External examiner DIT
Costello F
  • Member, Cognitive Science Society
  • Member, Program Board, Irish Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS) conference.
Duncan H
  • Secretary, Irish Computer Society
  • Fellow, Irish Computer Society
  • Member, Institute of Management Consultants in Ireland

  • Member, Institute for Engineers in Ireland
Farren M
  • Member, Association for Learning Technology, UK
  • Member, Bath Action Research Group, U.K
  • Mentor on TeachNet Ireland Project
Gray D
  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery
  • External Examiner, Carlow Institute of Technology
Hamilton G
  • Member, program committee for the Workshop on Intermediate Representation Engineering for the Java Virtual Machine
Horgan JM
  • Fellow, Institute of Statisticians
  • Member, Statistical Society of Ireland
Humphrys M
  • Member, International Society for Adaptive Behavior
Killen L
  • Council Member, Economic and Social Studies
  • Member Executive, Irish Statistical Association
  • Member, Operational Research Society (UK)
McLoughlin A
  • Internal examiner for dissertation: Noel O' Hara, "Hierarchical Impostors for the Flocking Algorithm in Three Dimensional Space"
O'Connor R
  • Member, Irish Computer Society
  • Member, British Computer Society
  • External examiner, M.Sc. Thesis Dundalk Institute of Technology
Pahl C
  • Member, EATCS European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
  • Member, EAPLS European Association for Programming Languages and Systems
Roantree M
  • Member, ACM

  • External Examiner for DIT
Ruskin H
  • Member, International Scientific Committee and Proceedings Review panel, VECPAR 2002, (Vector and Parallel Processing), Porto, Portugal

  • Invited adjudicator of student paper prize committee, VECPAR 2002
  • Reviewer for papers submitted to XIV World AIDS Congress 2002, Barcelona, Spain
  • Statistical assessor (editorial panel) IJPM (Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine) since 1989
  • St. Patrick's College Research Committee
  • Irish Research Council for Science, Technology and Engineering
  • Reviewer for ZentralBlatt MATH, (Ed. European Mathematical Society, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Fachinformationszentrum, Karlsruhe), 2001
  • Royal Statistical Society - (former Fellow, now CStat.)
  • Member, Institute of Physics ( MinstP. CPhys.)
  • Member, European Physical Society
  • Member, International Biometric Society
  • Member, Association Res. in Med. and Science (UK)
  • Member, Operations Res. and Man. Soc. Ireland
Sinclair D
  • Member, program committees for following conferences:
    Irish Workshop on Formal Methods, 2001
  • Digital Circuits and Integrated Systems, 2001
  • Member, Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IEEE)
  • Member, IEEE Computer Society
  • Associate Member, Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
Smeaton AF
  • Member, Program Committee for 7th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Hong Kong, April 2001
  • Member, Program Committee for the Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2-7 June 2001
  • Member, Program Committee of the European Colloqium on IR Research (formerly: BCS-IRSG Colloquium on IR Research) Darmstadt, Germany on April 4-6 2001
  • Member, Program Committee of the Twenty-Fourth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, September 9 - 13, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
  • Member, Program Committee for the ACM SIGIR'01 Workshop on Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications New Orleans, Louisiana, September 13, 2001
  • Member, Program Committee for the 3rd All-Russian Scientific Conference on "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections", Petrozavodsk, Russia, September, 2001
  • Member, Information and Communications Technology Advisory Panel for Science Foundation Ireland
  • Fellow, Irish Computer Society
  • Member, ACM, and of the IEEE Computer Society
  • Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Information Systems
  • Area editor (Multimedia) of the Information Retrieval Journal (Kluwer)
  • Member, Editorial Board of Information Processing and Management
  • Appointed external examiner for PhD thesis, City University, London, September 2001
  • Appointed external examiner for M.Sc. thesis University College Dublin, Jan 2001
van Genabith J
  • Director of the National Centre for Language Technology NCLT, Dublin City University, []
  • External Examiner, D.Phil., University of Ulster, Faculty of Informatics, Jordanstown, Belfast, 7th June 2001
  • Member, ACL, Association for Computational Linguistics, 75 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA
  • Member, FoLLI, The European Association for Logic, Language and Information, FWI, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Member, ILFGA, The International Lexical Functional Grammar Association, CSLI, Stanford University, CA, USA
  • Member, SLIG/LRC, Software Localization Interest Group and the Localisation Resources Centre, UCD, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Walshe R
  • Member, IEI
  • Member, IEEE
  • Member, IEEE Computer Society
  • Executive Committee Member AIAI (Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland)
  • Schools Liaison Officer for Post Primary Education Technology
Way, A.
  • Member, Association for Computational Linguistics
  • Member, European Association for Computational Linguistics
  • Member, European Association for Machine Translation
  • Member, European Association for Computer-Aided Language Learning
  • Member, Software Localisation Interest Group (SLIG)