DCU President's Office | Oifig an Uachtaráin
Annual Report 2001 - School of Communications
annual report 2001
school of communications
External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation
- External Communication Assessor, University of Tartu, Concordia University, Tallinn Pedagogical University, 12-17 March 2001.
- Roundtable discussant: Children's Television: Swedish EU Presidency Expert Seminar, Stockholm, 12-13 February 2001.
- Advisory/Consultancy Activities - On Office for Director of Telecommunications Regulation Advisory Panel.
- Broadcasts - "Morning Glory" (RTE Radio 1) on Politics and Telecommunications.
- Media Interviews - Evening Herald and Irish Independent (on digital broadcasting).
- Broadcasts on RTE television and radio re Media and September 11.
- Local radio broadcasts on same and related subjects.
- European Foundation for Living and Working Conditions, Dublin: Consultancy on appointment of new Head of Public Affairs Broadcasts.
- Numerous broadcasts on news and current affairs programmes for RTE and BBC during the year.
- Co-edited a book on the social and economic costs of inequality in Ireland at the invitation of the Combat Poverty Agency, published by the Agency in April 2001.
- Consulting editor on international affairs for the forthcoming Routledge Encyclopaedia for Irish Culture and have contributed to the New Encyclopaedia of Ireland to be published by Gill & Macmillan next year.
- Member of the judging panel for the Amnesty International Irish Section Media Awards 2001. This is the first time these awards have been made and it is hoped to make them annually. I presented the award for the best Irish-language entry at the awards ceremony in Dublin, 3 May 2001.
- Signed a contract with Sage Publications in December 2000 to write a textbook to be entitled "Latin America in a Globalised World" which is to be published in 2003. Final text to be submitted in July 2002.
- Consultant to the National Council for Educational Awards (NCEA) regarding the development of new programmes in Humanities.Broadcasts:
- The Smirk and the Smile, National Gallery of Ireland Walk-through., The Art Zone Lyric FM, February 2001.
- A Brief History of Women's Magazines, Rattlebag, RTE Radio 1, 8 March 2001.
- Underexposed: Censored Images, Gallery of Photography Walk-Through., Artzone, Lyric FM, Eugene Richards, Gallery of Photography Walk-Through, Artzone, Lyric FM
- Hitchcock and Art, Rattlebag., RTE Radio 1, August 2001.
- Advisor on broadband communications infrastructure policy to the Irish government's Department of Public Enterprise.
- Interviewed on Marian Finucane Show (RTE) about events of 11 September 2001 on 12 September 2001
- Seminars for Masters in Computer-Mediated Communication, Roskilde University, Denmark (delivered at outreach campus, Bornholm), October 2000.
- Seminar on online journalism, European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2000.
- Seminars for Masters in Science Communication, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 9-10 March 2001.
- Seminar on online journalism, Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University, European Journalism Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands, 25-27 June 2001.
- Tutor on courses on Media Skills for community and voluntary organisations, Monaghan, November 2000; Cork, February 2001; Dublin, March 2001; Dundalk, May 2001.
- Editorial consultant to Sunday Business Post, July-August 2001.
- Adviser to Dublin Inner City Partnership on submission to Community Applications of Information Technology scheme, February-March 2001.
- Consultant to Centre for Cross-Border Studies on research report on Foot and Mouth Disease.
- Adviser to Health and Safety Authority on appointment of press officer, July 2001.
- Tutor on Presentation Skills, Department of Biochemistry, University College Dublin, December 2000-January 2001.