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Annual Report 2001 - School of Chemical Sciences

annual report 2001

school of chemical sciences

Research Carried out / Ongoing

Barnes C
  • With Docent Matti Lindroos. Surface Structure Determination of Surface Alloys by Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED). Personal/Postgraduate/Collaborative research. Funded by Academy of Finland/National Centre for Plasma(NCPST).
  • Surface Structure Determination by Scanning Tunelling Microscopy (STM). Postgraduate research. Funded by the National Centre for Plasma Science and Technology (NCPST)
  • Kinetics of Formation of Self-Assembled Molecular Monolayers. Personal/Postgraduate research.
Forster RJ
  • Microelectrode and Microdot Arrays for Multianalyte Detection. Funded by the National Centre for Sensor Research.
  • Electrochemistry of Electronically Excited States. Funded by Forbairt Strategic Research Grant.
  • Microelectrode Arrays for Electroanalysis. Funded by Forbairt Strategic Research Grant in collaboration with the NMRC.
  • Molecular Electronics: High Density Information Storage. Funded by National Centre for Sensor Research.
Gallagher JF
  • Ferrocenoyl peptide chemistry for anion sensors and catalysts. Funded by the Forbairt and the School of Chemical Sciences with Dr PTM Kenny.
  • Molecular Recognition and Inclusion complexes, Host-Guest chemistry & Crystal Engineering of biologically important small molecules e.g. porphyrin precursors and amino acid derivatives. Funded by RSC, School of Chemical Sciences and Rutherford Appleton laboratory, Oxon, U.K. and the European Union.
  • Organometallic iron(0) phosphite derivatives. Collaboration with Dr. NL Cromhout, UCD.
  • Metalloalkyne derivatives based on Ni(II) for new materials. Collaboration with Prof AR Manning, UCD.
  • Multiple bonds between metal atoms. Funded by Forbairt Young Researchers award, 1995-1997, RSC grant.
Howarth, J.
  • Ionic liquids, anion receptors, antimalarials compounds and anticancer compounds. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
Kenny PTM
  • With JF Gallagher. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of novel N-Ferrocenoyl peptide derivatives. Collaboration with Professor Y Ida, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan and Professor R Orlando, Complex Carbohydrate Research Centre, University of Georgia, USA.
Paull B
  • With A Twohill. Development of electrostatic ion chromatography for the monitoring of inorganic anions.
  • With M King. Development of capillary electrophoretic techniques for the determination of small inorganic ions in environmental samples.
  • With W Bashir. Chelation ion chromatography of metal ions using novel high-performance chelating stationary phases.
  • With D Connolly. Ultra-rapid ion chromatography.
  • With D Bartlett. Determination of chlorinated phenols in Dublin City landfill leachates using RP-HPLC.
Smyth MR
  • Redox chemistry of anaerobic adhesives. Collaboration with Ms N McCullagh and Dr R Leonard. Funded by IAP and Loctite(Ireland) Ltd.
  • With R O'Kennedy and R Forster. Development of novel electrochemical immunosensors. Collaboration with Ms K Grennan, Ms A Morrin, Ms M O'Connor and Dr T Killard (Inverness Medical). Funded by NCSR, Inverness Medical and Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Development of electrochemical detection for environmental analysis. Collaboration with Ms E Hutton, and Dr B Ogorevc, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana.
  • With R O'Kennedy. Cytochrome P450-based Analysis systems. Collaboration with Ms E Ward, and Prof C Lunte, University of Kansas.
  • With G Hughes. Surface analysis related to adhesives. Collaboration with Ms C Stewart and Dr R Leonard. (Loctite)
  • Solid-phase Microextraction. Collaboration with Mr F Quinn and Dr K Dynes. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
  • Development of Molecular Imprinted Polymers. Collaboration with Mr J O'Mahony and Dr F Weldon. Funded by Enterprise Ireland.
Vos JG
  • The development of Artificial Photosynthetic Systems. Partly funded by the ESB.
  • Heterosupramolecular Chemistry; Properties of supramolecular structures containing a solid phase.
  • With Dr B MacCraith. Phosphate Detection in Aqueous Solution using Fluorescent Ruthenium Anion Receptors. Funded by Enterprise Ireland Strategic Research Grant.
  • Discrete Electron Transistors: Micelle and Dendrimer Templated Metal Nanoparticles. Funded by Enterprise Ireland, Basic Research Grant.
  • Funtionalised Nasnoparticles and Nanostructured Materials of Transition Metal Oxides. Under discussion. COST 19 Work group on Nanotechnology.

Research visits / Travel

Barnes CJ
  • Collaborative research-writing of manuscripts. Funded by Centre for International Mobility (CIMO). 11 June - 17 July 2001.
  • Research visit to Berlin Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Albert-Einstein Strasse 14, Berlin, Germany) to carry out joint research project involving X-ray absorption measurements on small molecules (NO, CO, N2O) on Pt{331}. Collaborative research project with Dr M Bridge, Department of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin. Funded by EU Large Scale Facilities Programme. 20 July - 5 August 2001.
Forster RJ
  • Research visit to Professor M Majda, Department of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 2-16 September, 2001
Gallagher JF
  • Visiting Researcher (small molecule crystallography), Neutron diffraction experiments, ISIS, Rutherford Appleton laboratory, Oxford, U.K., 3-11 September, 2000.
  • Visiting Researcher in crystallography and chemistry, Imperial College London, September 2000; University of Leeds, September 2000; University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, October 2001.