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Annual Report 2001 - Prizes / Awards to Students

annual report 2001

prizes / awards to students

Faculty of Science and Health

School of Biotechnology

Marianne O' Shea
Graduated with a PhD in November 2000
Title of thesis : Biological effects of conjugated linoleic acid: analysis, enrichment, and mode of cytotoxicity in cancer cell lines.

Graham Pidgeon
Graduated with a PhD in April 2001
Title of thesis: Effect of surgery and endotoxin on metastatic tumour growth and regulation of VEGF expression and angiogenesis by endotoxin.

School of Chemical Sciences

Colman O'Riordain (AS3)
Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry prize to Best Student in their penultimate year of study for a degree in Analytical Science.

David Keating
Loctite Medal for top student in MIA class.

Jennifer Brennan
Enterprise Ireland personal research scholarship.

Eadaoin Twohill
Prize for best poster presentation at the International Ion Chromatography Symposium, Oak Brook, Chicago, 9-12 September 2001.

School of Physical Sciences

Adam Kelly
Lynam Medal winner for first place in the Applied Physics programme.

Adrian Murphy
Fryar Medal winner for best final year project in Applied Physics programme.

Lee Carroll
S.P.I.E. Scholarship 2001 (from the International Society for Optical Engineering) winner.

Lee Carroll
Ger Dullea Award from the Instrument Society of America in Ireland.