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Annual Report 2001 - National Distance Education Centre

annual report 2001

national distance education centre

External Activities
External Lectures / Papers / Presentation

Mac Keogh K
  • "Lifelong learning for the Celtic Tiger: the role of ICTs and open and distance learning." Paper for Academy of Management Conference - Symposium on Management Education and Development Strategies in a High Performance Economy Washington DC, 6-8 August 2001.
  • "From ODL to eLearning: EU Policies in the Context of Central and Eastern Europe." Paper read to the PhD Laboratory, Distance Education Centre, Technical University, Budapest, 10 April 2001.
  • "Managing students' expectations of tutorial support." Mac Keogh, K. and Stevenson, K. Paper read to ICDE 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future@ Shaping the Transition, Duesseldorf, 1-5 April 2001.
  • "National Systems and Transnational Policies in Open and Distance Learning - Emerging Trends." Mac Keogh, K. and Baumeister, H-P. Paper read to ICDE 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition, Duesseldorf, 1-5 April 2001.
  • "The EU's Memorandum on Lifelong Learning' contribution to Workshop on eLearning in Central and Eastern Europe ICDE 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition, Duesseldorf, 1-5 April 2001
  • "Perceptions of Information and Communications Technology Use in Remote Education." Poster Session ICDE 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education: The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition, Duesseldorf, 1-5 April 2001.
  • "Managing student expectations of tutor support in open and distance learning: a quality assurance model." Mac Keogh, K. and Stevenson, K. Paper read to the Society for Research in Higher Education Conference, Leicester, 19-21 December 2000.
  • "A Rocky Road? Attitudes to Technological Innovation: The Students' Perspective." Bancroft, D., Mac Keogh, K. and Doherty, M. International Conference on Open Learning: Competition, Collaboration, Continuity, Change, Adelaide, September 2000.
  • "Receptivity or Resistance to Changing Ways of Teaching with the New Technologies." Mac Keogh, K. and Bancroft, D. International Conference on Open Learning: Competition, Collaboration, Continuity, Change, Adelaide, September 2000
Saunders R
  • "Identifying and Supporting Students at Risk." ICDE Conference, Dusseldorf, April 2001.
  • "To Boldly go: Strategies for developing on-line programmes in a small institution." EADTU Annual Conference, Paris, September 2000.
  • Workshop "The Dublin.ie Project." November 2000.
Wickham A
  • "Practices and Potential: Nursing and New Technologies." EADTU Millennium Conference, 'Wiring the Ivory Tower', Paris, 28-20 September 20
  • "Perfect Discipline and Earnest Zeal." The medical profession and the development of nursing in nineteenth century Dublin, American Association for the History of Medicine, Charleston, 19-22 April 2001.
  • Changing Lives: The transformation in attitudes to and experience of new technologies amongst distance education nursing students." European Distance Education Network 10th Anniversary Conference, June 2001.