Annual Report 2001 - Irish Centre for Talented Youth

annual report 2001

irish centre for talented youth

Research Carried out / Ongoing

Gilheany S
  • "An International Talent Search - the Johns Hopkins Model." Joint presentation with staff from the Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University at the World Council on Gifted Education Conference, Barcelona, August 2001.
  • "The Work of the Irish Centre for Talented Youth." European Council on High Ability Seminar Presentation on European activities in gifted education.

Research visits / Travel

Gilheany S
  • "An International Talent Search - the Johns Hopkins Model." Joint presentation with staff from the Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University at the World Council on Gifted Education Conference, Barcelona, August 2001.
  • "The Work of the Irish Centre for Talented Youth." European Council on High Ability Seminar Presentation on European activities in gifted education.