Annual Report 2001 - Information Systems & Services

annual report 2001

computer services department

External Activities
Appointments / Memberships: External Bodies

Carolan Brian MA, BSc. ACMA
  • Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
  • Member, IBEC Telecommunications User Group
  • Member CHIU Computer Centre Networks Group
McConalogue Barbara
  • B.Sc(Info.Sys), Dip. Systems Analysis
  • Member, Irish Computer Society
  • Member, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland
  • Member, CHIU MIS Group
  • Member, The Association of University Administrators
  • Associate Member UCISA MIS Group
  • Member of Executive Committee of ITS User Group(South Africa)
O'Gorman, Pauline - BA, HDipEd, BSc, MSc
  • Member of Compaq Users Organisation Council
O'Leary, Niall - MA, MSc
  • Chairman of WebEditors/Web Masters Group of HEAnet member organisations
Tolan Brendan
  • Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
  • Fellow of the Irish Computer Society
  • Member, Harvard Business School Alumni
  • Dip. Systems Analysis
  • Director, HEAnet Limited
  • Chairman of Management Board, CHEST (Irl)
  • Member of Management Committee, National Centre for Technology in Education
  • Member, CHIU Computer Centre Directors' Group