Annual Report 2001 - External Examiners
annual report 2001
external examiners
Postgraduate Research
Prof Gunilla Anderman, Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey
Prof Terry Anderson, Faculty of Informatics, University of Ulster @ Jordanstown
Prof Rudy Andeweg, Department of Political Science, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Dr Frank Blayney, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Harlow, Essex, U.K
Prof John Blum, School of Law, Loyola University, Chicago, U.S.A
Prof Norman Brown, Surface Science Laboratory, University of Ulster at Coleraine
Dr David Buckingham, Centre for Study of Children, Youth & Media, University of London
Dr Martin Burke, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr William Campbell, Faculty of Community Studies, Law and Education, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Simon Clark, School of Science & Mathematics, Sheffield Hallam University
Prof Graham Cockerham, School of Engineering, Sheffield Hallam university
Dr Catherine Comiskey, Department of Mathematics, NUI, Maynooth
Dr David Corcoran, Department of Physics, University of Limerick
Dr Richard Crampton,School of Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University
Prof Sean Cubitt , Screen Studies, Liverpool John Moore's University
Dr Vincent Cunane , Department of Chemical & Environmental Science, University of Limerick
Prof Tony Cunningham, Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin
Prof Laurie Cuthbert , Department of Electronic Engineering, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London
Dr Adri Olde Daalhuis, Department of Maths & Statistics, University of Edinburgh
Dr Manfred Deistiler, Operations Research and Systemtheorie, Vienna, Austria
Dr Eithne Dempsey, School of Applied Science, IT Tallaght
Dr D A Diver, Department of Physics, University of Glasgow
Prof Philip Dix, Biology Department, NUI Maynooth
Dr John Donegan, Department of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin
Mr Liam Dowling, Department of Electronic Engineering, Trinity College Dublin
Mr John Dunnion, Department of Computer Science, University College
Dr Barry Eaglestone, Department of Information Studies, Sheffield University
Prof Dylan Edwards, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia
Dr Patricia Ennis, School of Chemistry, D.I.T, Kevin Street, Dublin
Professor David Farrell, Department of Government, University of Manchester
Dr Dermot Furlong, Department of Electronic Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr Ian Graham, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moore's University
Prof Jane Grimson, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin
Professor Patrick Gunnigle, Department of Personnel and Employment Relations, University of Limerick
Dr Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Department of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin
Prof David Gwilliam, School of Business & Management, Aberyswyth University, Wales
Prof Leif Hammarstrom, Department of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr D .M.J Harris, Dept. of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, University of Ulster at Jordanstown
Mr Brian Harvey, Terenure, Dublin
Prof D Heffernan, Department of Mathematical Physics, NUI, Maynooth
Dr Ron Hemsworth, Cedex, France
Prof Declan Kiberd, Department of English, University College Dublin
Dr Seamus Laverty, School of Electronic & Mechanical Engineering, University of Ulster at Jordanstown
Dr Aideen Long, Department of Biochemistry, Royal College of Surgeons, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Prof Ursula Maier-Rabler, Department of Communications, University of Salzburg
Dr Clarence Matthai, Department of Physics, Queens Building Cardiff
Prof Alan Matthews, University of Hull, U.K
Prof Patrick McArdle, Department of Chemistry, NUI, Galway
Prof Tommie McCarthy, Department of Biochemistry, University College, Cork
Prof Graham McCartney, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nottingham
Dr Brendan McCormack, Department of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, Institute of Technology, Sligo
Prof A.D. McGettrick, Department of Computer Science, Livingstone Tower, Glasgow
Prof James A McLaughlin, Northern Ireland Bioengineering Centre, University of Ulster at Jordanstown
Dr Thomas Morrow, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Queens University, Belfast
Mr Roderick Murphy, The High Court, The Four Courts, Dublin
Prof Kevin Nolan, Department of Chemistry, Royal College of Surgeons, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Dr Emmet O'Connor, School of Politics, University of Ulster @ Magee
Dr Gerard O'Cuinn, Life Sciences Department, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway Cityv
Mr Gregory O'Hare, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin
Dr Michael O'Keefe, National Food Centre, Castleknock, Dublin
Dr Donal O'Mahonyv, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr Helen O'Shea, Department of Biological Sciences, Cork Institute of Technology
Dr Carol O'Sullivan, Computer Science Department, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr Gerard O'Sullivan, Department of Physics, University College Dublin
Prof Mary O'Sullivan, Cedex, France
Dr D Papkovsky, Department of Biochemistry, University College Cork
Prof O Pelkonen, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Oulu, Finland
Prof Vincent Porter, University of Westminster, School of Communication, Design & Media
Dr Ena Prosser, Elan Pharmaceutical Technology, Lincoln Place, Dublin
Prof Bill Roche, Graduate School of Business, Blackrock, Co. Dublinv
Dr Denise Rooney, Department of Chemistry, NUI, Maynooth
Dr Patrick Skelly, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston
Prof Geoffrey Smith, Glasgow, Scotland
Dr Tomasz Sokalski, Abo Akademi University, Finland
Prof A Sreberny, Centre for Mass Communication Research, Leicester University, U.K
Prof Nigel Steele, Coventry University, U.K
Prof Eric Steiner, University of The Saarland, Saarbrucken, Germany
Dr Jim Stewart, Department of Business Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Dr John Stewart, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France
Dr Charles Taylor, Department of Statistics, University of Leeds
Prof T Tchrakian, Mathematics Physics Department, NUI, Maynooth
Dr Anne Walsh, Spanish Department, University College Cork
Dr Gary Walsh, Department of Chemical & Environmental Science, University of Limerick
Dr Adrian Wander, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, Cheshire, U.K
Prof Owen Ward, Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Prof David Williams, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moore's Unversity
Dr Dominic Wring, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, U.K
Prof Stephen Yearly, Department of Sociology, University of York, U.K