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Annual Report 2001 - Exchange / Collaboration Agreements / Links with Foreign Universities / Institutions

annual report 2001

exchange / collaboration agreements / links with foreign universities / institutions

Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

School of Computer Applications
Crane M
INSA Lyon, France (ERASMUS/SOCRATES with 2 students sent this year 2001-02)

Crane M
Universite Henri-Poincare, Nancy 1, France (ERASMUS/SOCRATES with 2 students sent this year 2001-02)

Crane M
Johannes-Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria (ERASMUS/SOCRATES for 2 students)

Crane M
New Link with University of Kaya, South Korea (1 student this year)

Duncan H
DCU representative on ECET Socrates Thematic Network.

Farren M
Dr. Jack Whitehead, School of Education, University of Bath, Action Research and Online Learning environments

Farren M
Prof. Edward Tweedy, Rockingham Community College, North Carolina, Integrating Videoconferencing into Educational practice

Farren M
Links with Oscail, Education, Chemistry Dept., DCU and NCTE- research into online learning environments in collaboration with teachers doing Masters degree in Computer Applications in Education

Hamilton G
ERASMUS and SOCRATES exchange agreements with Université de Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France

Pahl C
ERASMUS student exchange link with Department of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, Germany, set up for 2002.

Roantree M
Napier University, Edinburgh

Roantree M
University of Oldenburg

Roantree, M.
Polish Academy of Sciences

Sinclair, D.
Dr. Sara Kavala, visited Dr. David Sinclair for collaborative work on mixed intuitionistic linear logic, August 2001.

Sutherland, A.
Marion Feral, a final-year undergraduate at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, spent three months as an intern working on hand-written digit recognition.

Tuohey, W.G.
Currently collaborating with University College Dublin (Exp. Physics Dept) on project for modeling radiative transfer with application to monitoring of water quality.

van Genabith J and Way A
Erasmus/Socrates student exchanges in the Applied Computational Linguistics degree (ACL) with Universit"at des Saarlandes, Saarbr"ucken, Germany ,Universit"at Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, Universit"at Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Universit"at T"ubingen, T"ubingen, Germany, Universit"at Bonn, Bonn, Germany, Universit"at Wien, Austria.

Way A
Coordinator, ACO*HUM Socrates Thematic Network.

Way A
Socrates Coordinator, School of Computer Applications, Dublin City University.