Annual Report 2001 - Dublin City University Business School
annual report 2001
dublin city university business school
Arthurs G
Book Review of "National Questions." ed. by Prof. RV
Comerford, in Irish Political Studies, 2000.
Barker P and Monks K
"Flexible Working Practices in Accountancy Firms."
Dublin: Oaktree Press, 2000.
Bradley F and Gannon M
"Does the firm's technology-marketing profile affect foreign
market entry?"
Journal of International Marketing, 8(4) December 2000, pp 12-36.
Brady M
"Simulation of the business firm using several different pricing
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the System Dynamics
Society, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 23-27 July 2001.
Byrne R
Annual Review of Irish Law 1999 with W. Binchy, Dublin, Round Hall
Sweet & Maxwell, December 2000, lvii+541pp (13th volume in annual
series by the authors).
Byrne R
Irish Law Times, Volume 18 (editor), Dublin, Round Hall Sweet &
Maxwell, February 2001, xxv+308pp
Byrne R
The Irish Legal System 4th ed with P McCutcheon, Dublin, Butterworths,
September 2001, xxxv+704pp
Byrne R
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Law in Ireland: A Guide, October
Canning M
"Review of the draft Practice Note on the audit of banks in the Republic of Ireland."
Banking Ireland, 109(3), pp 20-21.
Canning M and O'Dwyer B
"Professional accounting bodies' disciplinary procedures: accountable,
transparent and in the public interest?"
European Accounting Review, 10(4), 2001, pp 725-749.
Doyle J
"Policing, decommissioning of IRA arms and demilitarisation
by the British Army - a new crisis in Northern Ireland peace process?"
Oxford Analyticia Daily Brief,17 January 2001.
Doyle J
"Citizenship in Contested States Post 2000: The Northern Ireland
Peace Agreement and its Global Implications."
in Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel (ed.) The New Millennium: Challenges
and Strategies for a Globalizing World. New York: Ashgate, 2000,
pp 173-96.
Doyle J and Coakley J
"Select bibliography of Publications on Irish Politics during
1999." Irish Political Studies, 15, 2000, pp 337-358.
Doyle J
Book Reviews of Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd After the Good Friday
Agreement: analysing political change in Northern Ireland. UCD Press,
1999; Graham Ellison and Jim Smith The Crowned Harp: Policing Northern
Ireland, Pluto, 2000; and John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary Policing
Northern Ireland: proposals for a new start, Blackstaff 1999.
Doyle J with Michael O'Kelly
"Voter attitudes to inter-party transfers in Northern Ireland:
a median-difference analysis of inter-party transfers in the 1998
and 1982 Assembly elections." Dublin City University Business
School Research Paper no. 41, 2001, p 48.
Doyle J
"The forthcoming British general election offers an opportunity
to judge voter attitudes in Northern Ireland to the ongoing peace
process." Oxford Analyticia Daily Brief, 2 May 2001.
Doyle J
"Election results from Northern Ireland see significant increases
in support for Sinn Féin and Ian Paisley's anti-peace agreement
Democratic Unionist Party." Oxford Analyticia Daily Brief,
13 June 2001.
Doyle J
"Talks aimed at overcoming the stalemate in the Northern Ireland
peace process end without agreement." Oxford Analyticia Daily
Brief, 16 July 2001.
Doyle J
"Protests resume against children attending a Catholic school
on an interface between the communities in Belfast." Oxford
Analyticia Daily Brief, 19 September 2001.
Elgie R
"Democratic accountability and central bank independence: A
reply to various critics." in West European Politics, 24(1),
January 2001, pp 217-221.
Elgie R and Zielonka J
"Constitutions and Constitution-Building: A Comparative Perspective."
in Jan Zielonka (ed.), Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe,
vol. 1, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 25-47, ISBN 0-19-924408-1.
Elgie R
"Staffing the summit: France." in B. Guy Peters, R.A.W.
Rhodes and Vincent Wright (eds.), Administering the Summit: The
Administration of the Core Executive in Developed Countries, London,
Macmillan, 2000, pp 225-44.
Foley A
Productivity in Services and International Services in Ireland;
Forfas 2001, Dublin.
Gannon M, Mannion M and Cowan C
"Factors associated with perceived quality influencing beef
consumption behaviour in Ireland." British Food Journal, 102(3),
2000, pp 195-210
Gilfedder D and Ó hÓgartaigh C
"Participation and non-participation in the ASB's standard-setting
process." in McLeay, S. and A. Riccaboni (eds) Contemporary
Issues in Accounting Regulation, New York: Kluwer, 2000, pp 95-104.
Gunnigle P, Morley M, Monks K and Walsh J
"Diversity and Innovation: Management Research in Ireland at
the Start of the New Millennium." Introduction to special edition
of IBAR, The Journal of the Irish Academy of Management, 21(1),
2000, pp 1-7.
Hayes T
"The learning organisation: fashionable fad or path to progress?"
International Journal of Applied Human Resources Management, 2(2),
2001, pp 98-108.
Hayes T, Donnelly Cox G and Donoghue F
"Conceptualising the third sector in Ireland North and South."
Voluntas, 12(3), 2001, pp 195-204.
Hogan T
"What does corporate finance have to say to the fast growth
firm?" Proceedings of the EIASM RENT XIV Research in Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Conference, Prague, 22-25 Nov 2000.
Hurley J
"Gestion del conocimiento y de la competividad en la Industria"(Knowledge
Management and competitiveness in Industry). Revista de Psicologia
Aplicada (Review of Applied Psychology) Spain, December 2000, 10(3),
2001, pp 5-24.
Hurley J
"Knowledge Management as a core factor in competitiveness:
a cognitive Framework." 10th Peer Reviewed Published Proceedings,
Prague, 17-20 May 2001.
Ingle S
"An empirical investigation of approaches to new work practices."
The TQM Magazine, 12(6), 2000, pp 422-431.
Ingle S and Jacobson D
"Right first time in Y2K: how do internal and external factors
affect TQM implementation?" in Chong, C.L. and Sam Ho (Eds),
TQM - Action 2000 Imperatives for improvement, National University
of Singapore, 2000.
Ingle S and Willo R
"Business excellence in multi-national corporations: the six
sigma black belt approach." in Chong, C.L. and Sam Ho (Eds),
TQM - Action 2000 Imperatives for improvement, National University
of Singapore, 2000.
Ingle S and Roe W
"Six sigma black belt implementation." The TQM Magazine,
13(4), 2000, pp 273-280.
Jacobson D, Heanue K and Van Egeraat C
"Industrial Agglomeration." in W. Lazonick, ed. IEBM Handbook of Economics, Thomson, May 2001
and published in M. Warner, ed. International Encyclopaedia of Business
and Management, 8 volumes, second edition, Thomson, 2000 and IEBM
Jacobson D, McDonough T and Warnock K
Mind Your Own Business: Economics at Work, Oak Tree Press, Dublin
Jacobson D, Heanue K and Mottiar Z
"Industrial Districts and Networks: Different Modes of Development
of the Furniture Industry in Ireland?" in D. Felsenstein et
al (eds.) Public Investment And Regional Economic Development, Edward
Leavy B
"Supplier partnerships as strategy." in P.M.Swamidass
(ed) Innovations in Competitive Manufacturing, Boston:Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2000.
Leavy B
"Supplier partnerships as strategy." in P.M. Swamidass
(ed), Encyclopaedia of Production and Manufacturing Management,
Boston:KluwerAcademic Publishers, 2000.
McCarthy B and Leavy B
"Phases in the strategy formation process: an exploratory study
of Irish SMEs." IBAR - Journal of the Irish Academy of Management,
22(2), 2000, pp 55-80.
Lynch J
"The Role of Brands in Building Relationships in High-Tech
Business-To- Business Markets: A Review of the Literature and Development
of Hypotheses." in the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Doctoral
Colloquium, University College Cork, April 30-May 1, 2001.
McCluskey T et al
"The constitutional implications of individualisation."
Irish Tax Review, 13(5), September 2000, pp 459-478.
McGovern S
"The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem."
Comparative Advantage and bibliographical notes on Eli Heckscher
and Paul Samuelson, in Encyclopedia of International Political Economy,
(B. Jones ed.), Routledge, June 2001.
Monks K, Scullion H, and Creaner J
"HRM in Irish International Firms." Personnel Review,
30(5/6), 2001, pp 536-553.Monks K, Barker P and Ni Mhanachain A
"Drama as an Opportunity for Learning and Development'."
Journal of Management Development, 20(5), 2001, pp 414-423.
Monks K and Walsh J
"The Role of Postgraduate Education in Management Development."
European Industrial Training, 25(2/3/4), 2001, pp 148-156.
Monks K and McMackin J
"Constructing a HR system: best practice or good practice?"
Human Resource Management Journal, 11(2), 2001, pp 57-89.
Murphy G
"Are they all corrupt?" Review of Neil Collins and Mary
O'Shea "Understanding Corruption in Irish Politics" in
Magill magazine, March 2001.
Murphy G
"A Culture of Sleaze: Political Corruption and the Irish Body
Politic 1997-2000." Irish Political studies, 15, 2000, pp 193-200.
Murphy G
"The View from Merrion Square: The American Embassy in Ireland,
1956-1966."in Hiram Morgan (ed). Information, Media & Power
Through the Ages, University College Dublin Press, 2001, pp. 245-258.
Murphy G
"A measurement of the extent of our sovereignty at the moment."
Sovereignty and the Question of Irish Entry to the EEC, New Evidence
from the Archives, in Irish Studies in International Affairs, 12,
2001, pp 191-202.
O'Dwyer B
"The Legitimacy of Accountants' Participation in Social and
Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting."
Business Ethics: A European Review, 9(2), 2001, pp 27-40.
O'Dwyer B
The Current State of Corporate Environmental Reporting in Ireland,
ACCA research monograph, April 2001, 48 pages.
O'Dwyer B
"Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting: A Review
of Recent Developments." Accountancy Ireland, 2000, pp 18-19.
O'Dwyer B
"Corporate Environmental Reporting: The Quest for Mainstream
Acceptance in the Midst of Inconsistency and Incomparability."
Accountancy Ireland, 2001, pp 25-27.
O'Hagan E
"Unlikely Comparisons: Illuminating Patterns." Management
Research News, 23, 2000, pp 125-126.
Ó hÓgartaigh C
"The disclosure of the uncertain nature of financial statements
and readers' perceptions of reporting entities." The Irish
Accounting Review, Spring 2001, pp 51-69.
Ó hÓgartaigh C and Shakespeare C
"Lessons from America: accounting education in the U.S."
Accountancy Ireland, 33(2), 2001, pp 17-18.
Ó hÓgartaigh C
"Multi-disciplinary practices." Accountancy Ireland, 32(6),
2000, pp 16-17.
Pierce B
"Scorekeeping: Milestone turned Millstone?" Journal of
Accountancy, June 2001, pp 23-27.
Pierce B
"Management Accounting without Accountants?" Accountancy
Ireland, June 2001, pp10-12.
Pierce B
"Score bores." Financial Management, May 2001, p 41.
Pierce B and Doyle E
"Ethical Issues in Accounting: An Empirical Study of Irish
Chartered Accountants." The Irish Accounting Review, 7(2),
2000, pp 39-60.
Tomkin D and Mc Auley A
"Company Law." in R Byrne & W Binchy (Eds.) Annual
Review of Irish Law 1999, Round Hall Press, Dublin 1999, pp 22-55.
Turley D and O'Donohoe S
"Dealing with Death: Art, Mortality, and the Marketplace."
in Stephen Brown and Anthony Patterson (eds.) Imagining Marketing,
London: Routledge, 2000.