Annual Report 2001 - Conferences / Seminars / Short Courses / Other events held at the University
annual report 2001
conferences / seminars / short courses / other events held at the university
Joint Faculty of Humanities
School of Applied Language and Intercultural StudiesBruen J
"Lifelong Language Learning", 40 participants. Organised by the Irish Association of Applied Linguistics, 2 December, 2000.
Freitag B
'Odysseys' IASIL 2001 (International Association for Irish Literature)
30 July - 4 August 2001.
Le Jeuz B
An international conference on the theme Clergés et cultures
populaires was held in DCU, 14-16 June 2001. The organisers were
Jean-Philippe Imbert & Brigitte Le Juez, on behalf of the Centre
of Intercultural Studies in SALIS. This conference was the fruit
of an international partnership involving DCU, the Université
de Saint-Etienne and the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique
(France), the Universitat di Firenze (Italy) and the Elphinstone
College of Bombay (India). The proceedings will be published in
Sauter M
Official Launch of M.A. in Intercultural Studies [including public
lecture (see under Section 8), postgraduate seminar and staff colloquium].
30 participants. The organisers were Dr. Agnès Maillot, Ms
Aine McGillicuddy, Mr Martin Sauter, SALIS / SALIS Research Committee,
Embassy of Israel /Prof. S.N. Eisenstadt, 10-11 October 2000.
O'Connor B
'Desperately Seeking an Audience?': Shifting Research Agendas for the Consumption of New Media'. Paper presented to the Digital Landscapes Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, May 2001.
O'Connor B
'Tourism and its DisContents': Identity, Authenticity and Post-Coloniality',
Guest lecture at the Irish Summer School, University of Madison, Wisconsin
/University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dublin, June 2001.
Tuke W
Authoring for Multimedia. 20 participants. Organised by Margaret Farren,
Computer Applications (sponsors), February 2001.