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Annual Report 2001 - Centre for Sport Science and Health

annual report 2001

centre for sport science and health


Mondero B
Monedero J and Donne B
"Effect of different recovery interventions on lactate removal and subsequent performance."
Int. J. Sports Med., 21 2000, pp 593-597.

Moran K A
Moran K A and Wallace E W
"Contribution of enhancement in range of motion to increase in vertical jump performances associated with utilisation of stretch shortening cycle."
Submitted to Journal of Applied Biomechanics.

Moran K A and Wallace EW
"Influence of range of motion and eccentric loading on enhancement in various vertical jumps."
Submitted to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Moran KA and Wallace E W
"Coordination in vertical jumps under various eccentric loads and ranges of motion." Submitted to Journal of Applied Biomechanics.

Wallace E W and Moran K A
"The assumption of bilateral symmetry in various vertical jumps."
Submitted to Journal of Applied Biomechanics.

Moyna N
Thompson P D and Moyna N M
"The therapeutic role of exercise in contemporary cardiology."
Cardiovascular Rev & Reports, 22, 2001, pp 279-284.

NM Moyna, RJ Robertson, CL Meckes JA Peoples, NB Millich, PD Thompson.
"Intermodal comparison of energy expenditure at exercise intensities corresponding to the perceptual preference range."
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 33, 2001, pp 1404-10.

PD Thompson, SF Crouse, B Goodpaster, D Kelley, N Moyna, L Pescatello.
"The acute versus the chronic response to exercise."
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 33, 2001, S438-S445.

Woods C
Woods C B and Mutrie N
"Fitness freaks" and "crazy gym-people": A qualitative and quantitative study on the strategies that young people suggest help in the adoption and maintenance of an active lifestyle."
Journal of Sports Sciences, 19(1), 2001. This research was presented at the BASES annual conference in 2000 and was awarded a prize for the best psychology communication.

Woods CB, Mutrie N and Scott M
"From inactivity to activity: A study of exercise behaviour change in 16-24 year olds."
Journal of Sports Sciences, 18 (1), 2000, pp 61-62
This research was presented at the British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences annual conference in 1999, and was awarded the BASES student prize for the psychology section.

Mutrie N, Woods C, Lowther M, Blamey A and Loughlan C
"The Newcastle exercise project. Key messages are misleading and the conclusions are not evidence based."
Letter to the Editor. British Medical Journal, 320, 2000, 1470.