PPI Ignite at DCU Seed Funding Call
The PPI Ignite Network at Dublin City University (DCU) is delighted to announce a new seed funding call aimed at enhancing public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research. Funded by the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council with co-funding from Dublin City University, the purpose of this call is to provide funding to enable applicants to develop and advance meaningful public and patient involvement (PPI) in health and social care research. Applications to the call can include PPI activities at any stage of the research lifecycle.
Eligible activities include refining research questions, co-designing projects, assisting in data collection/analysis, and co-presenting findings, to aiding in drafting dissemination materials.
Funding Streams:
- Stream 1: DCU Academic/Research Staff
Open to researchers at any career stage within DCU. All eligible DCU academic staff members are encouraged to apply. - Stream 2: Postgraduate Students
This stream is specifically open to postgraduate students at DCU. Applicants must include a supporting DCU academic staff member as a mentor or co-contributor to their project.
This funding call provides an invaluable opportunity to create meaningful, inclusive partnerships in research, fostering a more patient-centered approach to health and social care innovations.
How to Apply:
For more details about eligibility criteria, application guidelines, and deadlines, please visit the Call Document or Application Form.
For further inquiries or to discuss the application process in detail, please contact the PPI Ignite Network at DCU team at publicandpatientinvolvement@dcu.ie.
Closing date for applications is the 4th of December 2024.
We look forward to receiving your applications and to working together to advance PPI in health and social care research.