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PPI Ignite Network at DCU
A group with raised hands at a seminar or conference.

Seminar Series: PPI in research with children and young people

Seminar Series: PPI in research with children and young people



Between April and June 2021 the PPI Ignite Network at DCU and the PPI Ignite Network National Office coordinated a seminar series on public and patient involvement (PPI) in research with children and young people. National and international speakers and PPI contributors provided examples, best practice and reflections on conducting PPI with children and young people. Following on from this seminar series a Shared Learning Group for PPI with children and young people will be facilitated by PPI Ignite Network at DCU commencing in September 2021. To register your interest please complete this form.


Topics discussed included a rights based approach to PPI with children and young, developing a young person advisory group, using technology to engage children and young people, participatory health research and ethics committees with children and young people. Speakers included a mixture of national and international speakers including researchers (Prof Laura Lundy, Dr Jennifer Preston, Prof Lisa Gibbs and Dr Siobhan O’Higgins), PPI contributors (Adit Bassi, Daisy Barrick, Matthew Ryan, Florah Nyirenda, Roisin Bailey and Eve Shields) and policy leaders (Dr Edel Tierney). The voice of PPI contributors was central to this seminar series with PPI contributors in 3 of the 4 seminars and attendees reported ‘hearing from the young people directly was invaluable.’


Time was dedicated to discussions as questions at the end of each seminar with impassioned engagement and questions from attendees. This format was a key element of the series with attendees reporting to enjoy the ‘interactive style of presentation and time given for questions/discussion.’


Available recordings can be found here.


Suggestions for future seminars are always welcomed. Please contact ppi@dcu.ie with suggestions for topics, speakers or any other ideas or queries.


The PPI Ignite Network at DCU is funded by the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council with cofounding from DCU.