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PPI Ignite Network at DCU
Audience at a previous DCU PPI Ignite event
Audience at a previous DCU PPI Ignite event

2019/2020 Patient and Public Involvment (PPI) in Research Seminar Series

Details for the DCU PPI Ignite 2019/2020 PPI in research seminar series are now available. Following the success of the 2018/2019 seminar series another series of four seminars will be run this year.


This will commence with a half day workshop on the who, what, why and how of PPI with Gary Hickey from INVOLVE and the patient perspective on PPI from Mark Bracken a peer researcher working on a peer led treatment service evaluation of Dublin Simon Community.


Seminar 2 will be a lunchtime workshop in conjunction with Sean Driver from the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) on writing a lay abstract. Any member of a research team (patient, public, researcher) can submit an abstract in advance to work on during this workshop to ppi@dcu.ie by Dec 5th.


Seminars 3 and 4 will focus on budgeting for PPI and the role and perspective of patient charities in PPI delivered by speakers including Lucy Whiston (DCU PPI Ignite) and Avril Kennan (Health Research Charities Ireland).


A number of patient and public bursaries will be available for each seminar. Further detail and registration can be found here:

-        Seminar 1: The who, what, why and how of PPI, 14th  November 2019, https://dcu-ppi-ignite-seminar1.eventbrite.com

-        Seminar 2: Writing a lay abstract, 12th December 2019,  https://dcu-ppi-ignite-seminar2.eventbrite.com

-        Seminar 3: Budgeting for PPI, 16th January 2020, https://dcu-ppi-ignite-seminar3.eventbrite.com

-        Seminar 4: Patient charities in PPI, 6th February 2020, https://dcu-ppi-ignite-seminar4.eventbrite.com