Call for Proposals Supporting Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Activities in Health and Social Care Research – Round 2 2023/2024

The PPI Ignite Network @ DCU, supported by the Health Research Board (HRB) and Irish Research Council (IRC), announces the second round of its annual funding call. This call aims to facilitate public and patient involvement in health and social care research.


The PPI Ignite Network @ DCU, supported by the Health Research Board (HRB) and Irish Research Council (IRC), announces the second round of its annual funding call. This call aims to facilitate public and patient involvement in health and social care research.


Public and Patient Involvement (PPI):

PPI is research carried out 'with' or 'by' members of the public rather than 'to', 'about' or 'for' them. This initiative goes beyond merely sharing knowledge or creating dialogues with the public. It distinctly stands apart from recruiting patients or the public as research participants.


Examples of PPI Activities:

These activities can range from refining research questions, co-designing projects, assisting in data collection/analysis, and co-presenting findings to aiding in drafting dissemination materials.



For this round, a total budget of €4,500 has been allocated. Applicants can request funds ranging between €100 and €1,500. These funds can cater to costs like honoraria, travel, childcare for PPI contributors, venue and catering costs for PPI sessions, and training for PPI contributors. All cost proposals must be justified based on the planned PPI activities.


Duration and Timelines:

All proposed activities should be concluded within 12 months of receiving the award.

  • Launch of Round 2 of call: 11th Sept 2023
  • Application deadline: 27th Oct 2023
  • Award notification date: 30th Nov 2023
  • Award start date: 1st Jan 2024



Funding recipients must provide a summary report to PPI Ignite Network @ DCU upon completion of the proposed PPI activities. Some might also be invited for a presentation at a future PPI Ignite Network @ DCU seminar series. It is crucial to acknowledge the PPI Ignite Network @ DCU's funding support where relevant.


Applicant Eligibility:

Stream 1: DCU Academic/Research Staff

  • Members from any career stage can apply.

Stream 2: Postgraduate Students

  • Eligible to apply for this round.
  • A supporting DCU academic staff member should back their application as either a mentor or co-contributor.

Recommendation: While not compulsory, PPI contributors as co-applicants are highly encouraged.


Application Procedure:

Applications need to be emailed to with the completed application form attached. Ensure the email subject line clearly states the funding call and your name in this format: "Application to PPI Activities Call Round 2_[Your Name]". Please maintain a plain, accessible English writing style.


Assessment Criteria:

A panel set up by the PPI Ignite Network @ DCU will evaluate the proposals. This panel comprises experts in the PPI in research domain. The main evaluation points will be:

  • Clarity of PPI Activity Description
  • Creation of Meaningful Public and Patient Involvement
  • Feasibility of Implementation Plan
  • Consideration of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Outcomes and Impact of the PPI Activities


Further Information:

Please contact Prof. Veronica Lambert, Lead, PPI Ignite Network @ DCU, for any queries or a more detailed discussion on the application procedure.
