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School of Policy & Practice


Primary Department
School of Policy & Practice
Academic Staff
Phone number:
01 700
St Patrick's Campus
Room Number
SPC M 312

Academic biography

Sabrina is Co-Director of CREATE—The Centre for Collaborative Research Across Teacher Education—and an Assistant Professor of Education in the School of Policy and Practice at IOE, DCU.

Brief Biography: Sabrina is a qualified post-primary teacher (English and Religious Education) who taught for several years before moving into Initial Teacher Education.

Sabrina is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). She leads several Education Theory modules on the Bachelor of Religious Education and English / History / Music programme (BRelEd) and the Bachelor of Education in Gaeilge and French/German/Spanish (BEdLan). She has a particular interest in challenge based learning (cbl) pedagogy and ways to support students to bridge the theory-practice divide. 

While she has engaged in research across a range of ITE topics, Sabrina is most keenly interested in educators' occupational wellbeing. For example, Sabrina's recent research explored wellbeing, burnout and rustout in HEI-based Teacher Educators in Ireland and the United Kingdom. 

Through DCU CREATE, Sabrina is also currently engaged in collaborative research with colleagues on the mental health and wellbeing of teachers across the primary and post-primary sectors in Ireland and the UK. 

Sabrina recently completed an MSc in Applied Psychology at Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen, Scotland) and is a graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI).

Roles held within ITE:

  • Director of School Placement (BRelEd, Mater Dei Institute of Education - MDI)
  • Research Ethics Convenor in the School of Education. MDI)
  • Governing Board Member (MDI)
  • Assistant Editor for the REA Journal (Religion, Education and the Arts) (MDI)
  • External Examiner for School Placement (St. Patrick's College, Thurles)
  • Research Convenor, School of Policy and Practice, IOE (DCU)

Sabrina has supervised over 100 undergraduate theses, 50+ masters level theses and five doctoral theses to completion.

Research interests

Mental Health - Mental health and Wellbeing in Education, for example, burnout in academics, teacher eduators, teachers and student-teachers.Teacher Education -  Student teachers' progression on placement, Student teachers' engagement with research, teacher identity, the role of the teacher in teacher education and other related themes. Innovative Practices - Teaching and learning in virtual environments, challenge-based learning,  creative classroom practices (including the use of various technologies to support teaching and learning).