University Committees Policy
DCU, originally the National Institute of Higher Education Dublin, was established as an Irish university by virtue of the Dublin City University Act 1989. Since then, the University has grown significantly in terms of its overall size and operational complexity and it is now deemed appropriate to provide a policy, the first of its kind in DCU, that deals exclusively with the establishment and management of its University Level Committees, hereinafter referred to as ‘Committee(s).’
The purpose of this policy is to:
- provide a formal definition for the term ‘committee’;
establish how such committees are to be created and, when deemed appropriate, disbanded;
set a standard in regard to inclusive representation on committees; &
provide an expectation that committees should meet during the working day.
This policy applies to the following governance bodies and any committees they establish:
Governing Authority
Executive Committee
Academic Council
The term ‘University Level Committee’ is intended to apply solely to committees set up by, and/or reporting to, the above three governance bodies.
A committee must have specific and documented Terms of Reference which are reviewed and approved by its parent governance body.
A committee may only be disbanded or stood down at the discretion of its parent governance body.
Where membership of a committee, including committee chairs, is considered, all due effort will be made to ensure that an equitable gender balance (i.e. a maximum of 60% female or male members) is achieved and maintained.
To support staff with caring responsibilities, the University has agreed ‘core meeting hours’ which are between 09:30-16:30, Monday - Friday. Committees will hold their meetings within the core meeting hours of the University unless scheduling a meeting outside of these hours is necessary to facilitate participation by external members of the committee. This policy does not change existing contractual hours and/or obligations.
Role |
Responsibilities |
Governance Bodies |
Will ensure that this policy is adhered to when considering the affairs of any University Level Committee. |
Senior Management | Are responsible for providing leadership and support to committee chairs and other senior officers in achieving such targets as are required to enable the effective implementation of this policy. |
Term | Definition |
Governing Authority | The Governing Authority is charged with the overall governance of the University in accordance with the Universities Act 1997. The governing authority and management of the University are accountable for the proper management of the organisation. |
University Level Committee | Any committee established under the authority of the University’s Governing Authority, the Executive Committee or the Academic Council. |
Executive Committee | The Executive Committee is a decision-making body of the University, charged with the task of advising the President and deciding upon the policy and strategy of the University. |
Academic Council | Academic Council has responsibility for the academic affairs of the University, as defined by statute, including the curriculum of, and instruction and education provided by, the University. |
This policy should be read in conjunction with the following related items.
Document | Description |
DCU Committees Chart | A chart of DCU’s Committees maintained by the Office of the Chief Operations Officer. |
DCU Committee Guidelines | Guidelines, drawn up by the Office of the Chief Operations Officer, to provide additional clarity into how committees are to be managed. |
Universities Act 1997 | Legislation relating to the governance of Irish universities. |
Dublin City University Act 1989 | Legislation that established the former National Institute for Higher Education Dublin as Dublin City University (DCU). |
Code of Governance for Irish Universities 2019 | The code provides a framework for the application of best practice in corporate governance by universities. |
Any queries regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of the Chief Operations Officer.
This policy will be reviewed as and when changes are required.
Policy Name | University Committees Policy | |
Unit Owner | Office of the Chief Operations Officer | |
Version Reference | Original Version - 1.0 | Reviewed Version – N/a |
Approved by | Executive | N/a |
Effective Date | 16th April 2024 | N/a |