Student Charter
Your university life at DCU opens up a gateway to a unique academic, professional and personal development experience, which will differentiate you from graduates of other institutions. Studying at university is an exciting new venture for students of all backgrounds – whether you are entering directly from school, re-entering education as a mature student or embarking on a postgraduate taught or research programme. In managing your student experience, you will encounter a vast array of opportunities and challenges, which will enrich you as an individual.
Here at DCU, we are committed to maximising educational, personal and professional developmental opportunities for all of our students in a welcoming, progressive and dynamic environment. We take great pride in cultivating the future policy makers, linguists, technology innovators and entrepreneurs, who will shape our society in the future.
We cannot do this on our own, however. In order to reach your full potential, it is your responsibility to engage fully in the entirety of the DCU programme to ensure that you make the most of your time at the University and, in doing so, graduate with a range of attributes that are unique to the DCU experience.
To help you understand better the relationship that exists between you and the University, we have created this ‘Student Charter’ in close liaison with the Students’ Union. It is designed to provide a framework which will help steer you along YOUR DCU journey and make the most of your university experience.
You can expect to:
- be supported, both academically and personally, to help you complete your studies, within an acceptable timeframe
- be offered a comprehensive orientation programme to help you settle into life at the University
- be provided with an internationally competitive learning environment to help you achieve the specified learning outcomes of your programme of study
- benefit from a research-informed teaching experience that will prepare you for a career in your chosen field
- be made aware of appropriate, easily accessible and flexible resources so that you can take responsibility for your learning
- be given timely and appropriate feedback on your academic performance
- be offered a dynamic range of opportunities to enhance your personal and professional development
- be provided with the opportunity to take part in an innovative programme of social, cultural and sporting activities as an integral part of life at DCU
- be given the opportunity to provide formal feedback during your time at DCU
- that staff will be courteous and professional at all times.
We expect of you that:
- you take responsibility for your own learning and personally contribute towards creating and maintaining an atmosphere and environment which is conducive to learning for all
- you attend and take an active part in lectures, seminars, laboratories and classes, as required by your programme of study
- you establish a productive working relationship with your school and take responsibility for proactively seeking any support you need from the relevant source
- you commit to regularly checking your email accounts and portal pages to ensure that you are aware, at all times, of relevant communications from the University
- you maximise the support available through your student leaders and representatives
- you explore the extensive range of extra curricular activities available via the social, cultural and sporting programme offered as an integral part of the DCU student experience
- you respect and embrace the diversity of the staff and student population, of which you are an integral part
- you make yourself familiar with and comply with the rules and regulations of the University
- you respect and embrace the academic integrity of the University and adhere rigidly to the high standards of acceptable academic practice in all your work
- you use the University facilities with respect and consideration for others
- you will be courteous and behave in a professional manner at all times.