Relocation Expenses Policy
In the interests of attracting top quality staff, the University may provide financial assistance to new permanent and temporary appointees to assist in their relocation from areas outside of Dublin in order to take up employment. The payment of relocation expenses under this policy is at discretion of the President, the relevant Dean and the HR Director.
Expenses may be granted for new appointees relocating from a location greater than 100kms from their new place of work. The total maximum cumulative amount of relocation expenses payable to any individual under this policy is normally €4,500.
Before expenses may be paid the employee is to produce documentary evidence of expenses incurred. This evidence includes:
- Itemised receipts
- Statements
Costs associated with the payment of relocation expenses are borne by the employing Faculty/Department.
- a) the transport of self and family and transport of furniture and effects; and/or
- b) temporary board and lodging; and/or
- c) other items of expenditure related to taking up duty.
Transport of Self and Family
The following items may be reimbursed as part of the total allowable costs for relocation:
a) the cost of one advance visit for the purpose of securing suitable housing. Where applicable, an employee’s partner may accompany them; and/or
b) the cost of transfer of immediate family by the most economical means of transportation.
Where expenses are approved and the appointee chooses to travel by private motor vehicle they will be reimbursed the cost of travel based on the shortest direct route to destination. Expenses incurred en route i.e. fuel receipts, hotel bills, ferry charges and meals (using the per diem rate) will also be reimbursed on the production of receipts (subject to total allowable costs for relocation).
Transport of Furniture and Effects
The following items may be reimbursed:
- a) the cost of transportation of furniture and effects, including packing, by an approved carrier; and
- b) the transport of a professional or medical library or equipment belonging to an academic employee; and
- c) insurance to cover risks of damage to furniture and the effects in transit.
The University shall approve the means of transport. Two quotes must be submitted to the HR Division in writing and be approved prior to uplift.
Temporary Board and Lodging
The following items may be reimbursed as part of the total allowable costs for relocation:
- Up to 75% of the cost of short-term temporary accommodation while waiting to secure a residence in Dublin, up to a maximum of €1,500 per month.
Expenses relating to temporary board and lodging shall not be paid for a period greater than 30 days.
Other items of expenditure related to taking up of duty
In special circumstances other reasonable expenses associated with relocation and commencement at DCU may be approved for payment at the discretion of the Dean. The decision of offer an enhanced relocation package or to increase the €4,500 maximum limit for claims under this policy will take into account market related employment conditions relevant to the particular appointment.
Notwithstanding this flexibility, costs associated with purchase and sale of property will, under no circumstances, comprise part of the relocation package.
All payments must be matched with receipted expenditure. The amount reimbursed or borne by the employer may not exceed expenditure actually incurred. Any reimbursement of the capital cost of acquiring or building a house or any bridging loan interest or loans to finance such expenditure would be subject to tax. In effect, payment free of tax is restricted to the reimbursement of actual outgoings of a revenue nature incurred at the time of the move.
Employees who leave the employment of DCU within two years of taking up duty will be required to refund part or all of the relocation costs incurred.
All expenses must be submitted to the Finance Department approved by the Dean wit months of the date of commencement of employment with the University.
This policy will be reviewed every 5 years by the Director of Human Resources.