Recruitment & Selection Policy
The University asserts that its employees are its greatest asset. The University is dependent on its employees to fulfil its mission and its success depends on the recruitment and retention of employees of the highest calibre.
Dublin City University strives to foster a culture amongst its employee and student community that is open, collegial, collaborative, student focused, ambitious and diverse. These values reflect a commitment to equality, educational opportunity, social justice, ethical behaviour and academic freedom. In applying open, transparent and merit based effective recruitment and selection procedures the University strives to attract and retain high quality employees that share and live our values.
This policy is designed to ensure our recruitment and selection process is planned, organised and conducted in a way that supports an objective, transparent and merit-based assessment of every candidate and that the best candidate is selected on their merits and abilities.
This policy will apply to the recruitment of all roles within the University of one year or more in duration. The policy does not apply to companies within the DCU Commercial Group who may have their own separate recruitment and selection policies.
The University positively promotes diversity and equality of opportunity for all. DCU shall respond to the needs of our students and employees irrespective of the nine protected grounds of gender, family status, civil status, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, membership of the traveller community or race.
The Recruitment and Selection policy and its associated principles and procedures aim to ensure:
a) That all recruitment and selection processes and practices reflect best practice, have regard to the principles of equity and fairness to ensure equality of opportunity for all applicants and are in compliance with all relevant associated employment legislation including the nine protected grounds outlined above and in the DCU Policy on Equality and Access;
b) The most suitable person is appointed to every vacancy within the University;
c) The University's selection decisions are taken and recorded appropriately, in line with internal policies and external (including legal) requirements.
d) The experience of the recruitment and selection process for all stakeholders is positive and rewarding.
The DCU Policy on Equality and Access aims to ensure no job applicant, employee or prospective employee, receives less favourable treatment on any of the nine protective grounds detailed above. In a context where there is under-representation of groups within the University and at levels within the University, it recognises that policies of positive action are necessary to promote equality of opportunity for all and is committed to programmes of action to make these policies fully effective, while maintaining normal quality standards.
Advertisement of Positions
Vacancies should be advertised to attract the best and most diverse field of applicants. Posts are advertised internally and externally simultaneously except where there is agreement for posts at certain grades to be advertised internally in the first instance and then externally if not filled.
Where a third party such as a recruitment specialist /agency is engaged by the University to source suitable candidates, the standard recruitment and selection procedures apply in every step thereafter.
All applications are treated confidentially and access to applications for a recruitment competition is restricted to members of the Selection Board, employees of the Human Resources (HR) Department and the Hiring Manager/other persons from the School/Unit who have been involved in the recruitment and selection process.
The Screening Process
The Head of School/Unit has responsibility for the screening/shortlisting of all applications received to produce a shortlist for interview. Other appropriate employees from the School/Unit may also be asked to participate in the screening/shortlisting process, but at least one other appropriate person must be involved. Those involved must ensure that all applications are treated confidentially. All applications received and all relevant information used in the screening/shortlisting process can be made fully available to members of the Selection Board if required.
Interview Selection Board
A formally constituted Selection Board must be convened for all advertised positions more than one year duration.
Key Principles for Board Composition
A selection board is constituted based on a board member having the appropriate expertise to determine whether a candidate is suitable for appointment. With that in mind the following key principles will normally apply:
• Board members selected are experts in the relevant field;
• Boards will typically be composed of at least four persons (although can be in excess of this): two internal experts; one external expert and a HR representative;
• Gender balance should as much as possible be achieved;
• The composition of the proposed board will be approved by HR; &
• While there may be occasions for flexibility to be applied, it will only be on an exceptional basis.
Teaching Assessment
As part of the interview and assessment process for academic posts, candidates being assessed for Assistant Professor and Associate Professor posts will be required to make a teaching presentation as part of the recruitment and selection process. The teaching presentation is designed to assess candidates teaching, presentation and communication skills.
Candidates for Professor/Full Professor or Professional/Technical posts may also be required to deliver a presentation, the nature of which will be determined for the post.
The Interview Process
Interviews should take place in a suitable environment, fostering a welcoming atmosphere.
Formal Selection Board interviews should last for a minimum of 35 minutes. This ensures that adequate time is given to fully obtaining all relevant details concerning each candidate and that candidates are less likely to feel that they have not received adequate attention.
Irrespective of level, all University employees involved in selection/interview boards should undergo a formal training programme on interviewing skills and unconscious bias training.
All questions must align with the Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination legislation, focusing on relevant information related directly to the selection criteria and the specific position. It is crucial that recruitment decisions are merit-based, ensuring they are not influenced by any unlawful discrimination based on protected characteristics, even if disclosed during the assessments.
Any discrepancies in the assessment of a candidate’s suitability should be openly discussed among all members of the interview panel, leading to a collective decision.
Final decisions must solely rely on the evidence gathered throughout the recruitment process to prevent biased selection choices and unlawful discrimination.
References provide useful additional information concerning candidates and can significantly aid recruitment recommendations and decisions. Referees, who should always be persons with current knowledge of the candidate, are provided with copies of the advertisement and the job description and are asked to provide their opinion of the candidate’s suitability for the post.
With the possible exception of the current employer, written references will be sought prior to the final interview for all candidates for academic positions and for administrative/support positions of Professional 6 level or higher.
Representations on behalf of an applicant, including unsolicited recommendations, will be treated as canvassing. Canvassing seeks to establish an unfair advantage for one applicant relative to others and may result in disqualification of that applicant.
All appointments to positions within the University are made pursuant to the Section 25 of the Universities Act, 1997 and in accordance with regulations set forth in the University’s Statute number 2 of 1999.
Professor/Full Professor and Professional Grade 9 Grades
Posts at Professor level or above, and roles aligned to Professional Grade 9 (P9), are subject to approval of the Governing Authority on the recommendation of the President/Selection Board.
Associate Professor or Professional Grade 8 (P8) level or below
Posts up to and including Associate Professor or Professional Grade 8 (P8) level, are approved by the President on the recommendation of the Selection Board. All approved appointments go to the Governing Authority for noting.
The formal offer of appointment, including salary determination and benefit details, are made by HR in line with DCU Pay Scales, procedures concerning the award of increment credit and the Internal pay upon promotion policy.
The university is committed to maintaining records of employee recruitment activities in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These records will include, but are not limited to, resumes, application forms, interview notes, and correspondence. Personal data will be processed lawfully, and records will document the lawful basis for processing, data retention periods, and any data subject consents obtained. Access to and sharing of this personal data will be documented. Records will be securely stored and access-restricted to authorized personnel to ensure compliance with GDPR and safeguard data subject rights and privacy.
a) Ensure the role has been approved through the appropriate channel (i.e. the Resource Committee for core funded posts, and Finance and Research Support (RIS) for research funded posts).
b) Work constructively with HR in agreeing recruitment timelines and actions.
c) Liaise with HR in agreeing an appropriate job description and advert.
d) Complete the shortlisting process in a fair and consistent manner.
e) Nominate an Interview Board with the appropriate skills and expertise and approach Board members for availability.
f) Always adhere to confidentiality, employment and equality legislation and will respect all aspects of the DCU Recruitment and Selection Policy and associated process.
g) Verbally regret internal unsuccessful candidates when required and provide appropriate feedback
h) Will ensure, together with HR, that Board members have appropriate Interview and Unconscious Bias training.
a) Ensure the principles and associated procedures of the Recruitment and Selection Policy are always applied consistently and fairly.
b) Constructively partner with the Hiring Manager on all aspects of the recruitment and selection process to ensure an efficient and high-quality recruitment experience is achieved for all concerned with the ultimate objective of recruiting the appropriate talent.
c) Partner with the Hiring Manager in agreeing appropriate recruitment timelines and actions.
d) Provide advice and guidance on all aspects of the process including resource committee applications, advertising, interview board composition, interview preparation, conducting Interviews, offering and regretting candidates.
e) Ensure that all stakeholders adhere to confidentiality, employment and equality legislation and all other aspects of the DCU Recruitment and Selection policy and associated process.
f) Ensure sufficient training is in place for all key stakeholders involved in the process, including interview and unconscious bias training.
g) Maintain a productive relationship with the Hiring Manager throughout the entire recruitment and selection process.
h) Provide clear, accurate, consistent and professional correspondence and interview documentation at all stages of the process.
i) Ensure that all key timelines for each stage of the process are met.
j) Participate as an active member of the Interview Board and:
- In conjunction with the Interview Board, ensure that the appropriate candidate is selected for recommendation; &
- Ensure that a meaningful and appropriate rationale is recorded for the selection of all candidates.
k) Ensure that the Board recommendation is approved by the President/Deputy President and/or Governing Authority, in line with University Statute # 2, so that an offer can be made.
l) Make the offer to the successful candidate in line with the normal appointment procedures, DCU PayScale and the Internal pay upon promotion policy.
m) Ensure that unsuccessful candidates are notified of the outcome in a timely manner and appropriate feedback provided if required.
n) Ensure that all records of the interview are appropriately and confidentially recorded.
The role of the interview board is to assess all candidates in line with the role criteria to determine if one or more candidate(s) are deemed appointable. The interview board is not in any way involved in discussions regarding potential details of an offer of employment.
a) Adhere to the advice and guidance provided by the Hiring Manager/Chair of Interview Board and human resources.
b) Undertake appropriate interview training if required.
c) In conjunction with the Interview Board ensure that the appropriate candidate is selected for recommendation.
d) Adhere at all times to confidentiality, employment and equality legislation and l respect all aspects of the DCU Recruitment and Selection Policy and associated processes.
a) The Chairperson of the Interview Board (normally the Executive Dean/Head of School/Unit) is responsible for managing the interview in consultation with HR and ensuring that it is conducted fairly and without discrimination or bias. This normally includes the following actions:
b) Chair the briefing discussion prior to interviews, deciding on what topics should be covered by each board member;
c) Introduce the Interview Board members to the candidate and explain the format of the interview process;
d) Provide a comfortable setting for candidates e.g. ensuring there is water for the candidate, rephrasing questions if necessary etc;
e) Ensure that each candidate feels sufficiently at ease to be able to communicate effectively during the course of the interview;
f) Ensure that the Interview Board has gathered sufficient information and evidence on each candidate to enable a valid assessment to be made regarding the candidate's suitability for the post;
g) Conclude the interview and informing each candidate of the next stage of the process;
h) Coordinating the Selection Board in the assessment of the interviewed candidates and seeking the feedback and agreement of the Board on the rank order of the candidates who are deemed suitable for appointment to the position;
i) Identify if one or more candidates are appointable and if so in what ranking order;
j) In conjunction with the HR Representative ensure that the decision of the board and rationale are clearly recorded.
Policy Toolkit for Hiring Managers
The following links are designed as a toolkit for Hiring Managers on all stages and associated actions of the Recruitment and Selection process.
Toolkit 1 - Pre-Advertising and Planning
Toolkit 2 - Advertising and Shortlisting
Toolkit 3 - Interview Scheduling and Guidance
Recruitment for Research Roles
Please click Toolkit 3 for more information on Recruitment for Research Roles.
Interview Expenses Policy
The Interview Expenses Policy is located on the DCU website under A-Z of University’s Policies.
Hiring Manager | The Manager who has University approval to recruit a resource. |
Human Resources (HR) Representative | The HR professional responsible for facilitating the recruitment and selection process and partnering with the Hiring Manager. |
Chair / Interview Chair | The approved University employee who will chair the Interview Board. |
Shortlisting | The process involved in reviewing candidate applications in line with agreed criteria and selecting candidates for interview |
Preliminary Interviews | Interview process to refine the shortlist in advance of the final round interview. |
Extern / External | Member of the Interview Panel who is external to the University and possesses the appropriate qualifications, skills and expertise to assess candidates for the advertised position role. |
Unconscious Bias Training | Awareness training or associated documentation required to be undertaken or reviewed by all Board members prior to the interview being undertaken. |
Statute # 2 | Statute relating to Staff Appointment Procedures made by the Governing Authority of Dublin City University pursuant to the powers conferred on it by Section 33 of the Universities Act 1997. |
Please liaise with your HR representative on any aspect of this policy or its associated procedures.
This policy will be reviewed every three years or earlier if there is an express need to do so.
Document Name | Recruitment & Selection Policy | |
Unit Owner | Human Resources | |
Version Reference | Original Version 1.0 | Reviewed Version |
Approved by | Executive | N/a |
Effective Date | January 9th 2024 | N/a |