DCU University Policies header
University Policies

A- Z of University Policies


The A to Z of the University's Policies are listed below. 

Those policies indicated as 'Staff Only' will require users to confirm their status as current University staff members prior to permitting viewing rights to the relevant policy. 

The majority of policies etc. listed below are not stand alone documents and are generally not intended to be understood or read in isolation. Please consider contacting the 'Document Owner' for each one to obtain further guidance on a particular policy.

Note - Staff Only Policies

Some of the policies listed below are intended to be accessible to DCU Staff only and may be accessed after going through the Staff Authentication process.



Search policies by using one or both filters below:

Title Policy Owner Approval Date
Confidentiality & Disclosure Policy - SS&D Student Support
Death of a Student - Protocol Student Support
Student Alcohol & Drugs Policy Student Support
Student Charter Student Support
Student Gender Identity and Gender Expression Policy Student Support
Support for Pregnant Students Policy Student Support