Parents Leave Policy
The Parent’s Leave and Benefits Act 2019 (Extension of Periods of Leave) Order 2024 and the Family Leave and Miscellaneous Act 2021 entitles a working parent to 9 weeks unpaid leave from work to take care of their child. Eligible staff may qualify for a statutory benefit called Parent’s Benefit.
This policy specifies the arrangements in place at Dublin City University for the administration, monitoring, and application of the Parent’s Leave Policy.
This policy applies to all eligible relevant parents who are in the employment of Dublin City University if their child(ren) are born or adopted after 1st November 2019. A pro-rata entitlement is applied for staff who do not work full-time.
Relevant Parent - defined under the Parent’s Leave and Benefits Acts 2019 as one of the following:
● A parent of the child;
● A spouse, civil partner, or cohabitant of the parent of the child;
● A parent of a donor-conceived child as provided for under section 5 of the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015;
● The adopting parent or parents of a child;
● The spouse or civil partner of the adopting parent of the child (if the parents have not adopted the child together).
Entitlements and Conditions
Each Relevant Parent is entitled to 9 weeks leave per child and to receive a Statutory Benefit for each child born/adopted after the 1st of November 2019. The leave must be taken within the first two years of the child’s birth, or in the case of an adopted child within the first two years of the child’s placement.
In the case of a multiple birth, or when a person adopts two or more children at the same time, the total entitlement to Parent’s leave shall not exceed nine weeks.
Parent’s leave entitlement is extended to persons acting in loco parentis in respect of a child.
Manner in which Statutory Parent’s Leave may be taken
Parents’ leave must be taken either as one continuous period of nine weeks’ leave or separate periods of not less than one week at a time within the first 2 years of a child’s life or in the case of adoption, within 2 years of the placement of the child.
Accrued public holiday entitlement, must be taken immediately following the Parent’s leave. An employee on maternity leave may take their parent’s leave once their standard maternity leave has concluded. If the employee avails of additional maternity leave, they may take the parent’s leave after both have concluded.
Each parent has a separate entitlement to Parent’s Leave from their job, however, Parent’s leave is non-transferrable between employees of the University who are relevant parents.
If there is an adverse effect on the operations of the Faculty/School/Unit, the University can postpone Parent’s leave for up to 12 weeks in accordance with the Acts. This will be discussed with the employee at the time and the reason/s in writing will be provided. Parent’s leave will not be lost if, solely as a result of postponement, the child reaches the age threshold.
Reasons for Postponement may include:
● Seasonal defined reasons
● Unavailability of person to perform duties
● Nature of duties
● Number of employees
● Number of employees on Family Friendly Leave
● Other relevant matters
Seasonal Variations are the only grounds for postponing more than once.
The Employee
The employee will discuss the request for Parent’s Leave with their Line Manager in the first instance.
A formal application, which includes the signature of the Line Manager, together with the child’s birth certificate (or equivalent for an adopted child), must be submitted to the HR Department no less than 6 weeks in advance of the start date of the leave.
The Line Manager
The Line Manager will discuss the employee’s request for leave with the HR Department and will sign the Parent’s Leave Form to indicate their support of the application.
The Line Manager will be mindful of the following factors when considering the Parental Leave Application:
● The business needs of the unit in relation to the timing of the leave request;
● The number of employees availing of family-friendly leave types at a particular time.
The HR Department
Your HR representative or his/her nominee will have responsibility for the final approval of the request for Parent’s Leave.
The HR Department will issue the employee with a letter confirming the approval of the Parent’s Leave arrangement.
Copies of the signed documentation are held electronically on the employee’s record.
Employment Rights during Parent’s Leave
The employees’ rights are protected while availing of Parent’s Leave; public holiday entitlements will accrue while on leave, service will be unbroken and increments will apply.
All employees are entitled to return to their own position at the end of the Parent’s Leave.
In the case of an employee who is on probation at the start of the Parent’s Leave, their probationary period will be extended to cover the leave period.
Service accrued during Parent’s Leave is not counted for Superannuation/Pension benefit purposes.
Absence on Parent’s Leave cannot be treated as part of any other form of leave, including sick leave, annual leave, adoptive leave, maternity leave, force majeure leave, and parental leave to which the employee is entitled.
The University will request Birth Certificates and other official documents if appropriate in the case of applications for Parent’s Leave.
Payment during Parent’s Leave
Parent’s Leave is unpaid by the University, however, employees may be entitled to Parent’s Benefit from Social Welfare subject to the appropriate number of PRSI contributions. Information relating to Parent’s Benefit is available under Appendix B.
An employee of the University who is a relevant parent, as defined within the Parent's Leave policy, is entitled to nine weeks parent’s leave for each child within the first two years of the child’s birth/placement of adoption.
Notice to take leave
The employee must formally request Parent’s leave at least six weeks in advance of the start date of the leave.
1. All applications for Parent’s leave must be made using the Parent's Leave Form.
2. The HR Department will produce a Confirmation Document for the employee to sign 4 weeks prior to leave. This will confirm the start date, duration and manner in which the leave will be taken e.g. continuous block of two weeks or two one-week blocks.
3. Leave cannot commence prior to the employee receiving the formal Confirmation Document.
4. All documents must be sent to the employee with a copy kept by both the university and the employee.
Note: In the event that the agreed parents’ leave period is changed, Human Resources must be notified in writing immediately as this can affect the payment of salaries to the employee.
Any queries regarding this policy should be directed to askhr@dcu.ie
This policy will be reviewed as and when changes are required.
Policy Name | Parent’s Leave Policy |
Unit Owner | Human Resources | ||
Version Reference | Original Version - 1.0 | Reviewed Version – 1.2 | |
Approved by | Director of Human Resources |
Director of Human Resources |
Effective Date | July 31st 2020 | August 8th 2024 |
Pay Related Social Insurance Contributions (PRSI)
Parents who take parent’s leave may get a PRSI credit for each week taken. If you are taking parent’s leave in block form, the HR Department will write to the Records Update Section of Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP), setting out the weeks you have not worked, so that you can get credited PRSI contributions for this time.
Income Continuance Plan (ICP) and Parent’s Leave
Membership of the DCU Group Income Continuance Plan will continue as normal. No contributions will be required during the period of your parent’s leave and full cover will be maintained for a period of 9 weeks.
Parent's Benefit is paid by the Department of Social Protection. Applications for Parent’s Benefit can be made online at https://services.mywelfare.ie/
This requires an employee to have a verified MyGovID account to use Mywelfare.ie
Please visit www.mygovid.ie to get a verified MyGovID account. The staff member will need the child’s PPSN to complete the application. If the staff member is unable to apply online, the Parent’s Benefit application form can be requested from the Parent’s Benefit Section by email at parentsben@welfare.ie or by calling 1890 690 690.