Overtime Policy
The University shares the view of employers' organisations and trade unions that frequent working of overtime is socially and personally undesirable. In normal circumstances therefore the day-to-day work of the University should be performed during normal working hours. Overtime is only justified as a response to an exceptional situation. When it is necessary that overtime be worked, requests are made to, and approved by, the Head of School/Unit.
N.B. Overtime worked without authority cannot be compensated.
Grades: The grades of staff to whom overtime payments may be paid are: - Administrative Assistants, Secretary Grade 1, 2 and 3 (and related grades) Technician Grade 1 and 2 Porters, Security, Grounds, Cleaning and Maintenance staff.
The payment of overtime is subject to the provisions of the Haddington Road Agreement (HRA). Summary details regarding overtime provisions under the agreement and how they affect DCU staff are outlined below.
Staff on salaries of up to €35,000 (inclusive of fixed pensionable allowances), overtime will be paid at time and a half at the third point of the individual's scale.
Staff on salaries (inclusive of fixed pensionable allowances), of €35,000 or greater, overtime will be paid at the rate of time and a quarter at the individual’s scale point.
Overtime after first four hours on a Saturday is at double time and double time all day Sunday.
For grades up to and including Grade 4 and equivalents and on a personal to holder basis, overtime will not be payable until 37 hours are worked.
Divisors for the calculation of overtime will be adjusted to take account of the additional hours provided for in the Agreement i.e. 37 hours or 39 hours depending on your scale.
All overtime must be approved in advance by the Head of Unit. Overtime worked without authority cannot be compensated. When overtime is requested and approved, payment, where appropriate, will be made on submission to Payroll of an Overtime Claim Form https://www.dcu.ie/finance/payroll-forms-dcu-finance
Further information on the overtime provision (clauses 2.13 to 2.15) of the Haddington Road Agreement can be found at this link.
Document Name | Overtime Policy |
Unit Owner | Human Resources |
Version Reference | Version 1.0 |
Approved by | Executive |
Effective Date | January 30th 2015 |