Jury Service / Court Attendance Leave Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide staff with information around granting leave with pay should they find that they are called upon to do Jury Service or as a State witness.
This Policy applies to all units of the university, both academic and support. These are all hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘university”.
Jury Service
Leave with pay will be given for attendance at court for Jury Service. The Head of School or Unit should be informed immediately on receipt of the official notification. The absence should be logged through Core using the “Jury Service” code. The staff member will be expected to report to work on days they are not assigned to a case, during the period of their obligation to the court.
Court Attendance
A staff member who appears as a State witness in a court case will be given leave with pay for the duration of his/her attendance. Expenses paid in compensation for loss of earnings etc. should be repaid to the Finance Office.
Attendance in court on a personal matter does not qualify for leave, as the staff member would normally be expected to take annual leave.
Staff Member
Advise line manager immediately of dates on receipt of the official notification. Ensure dates are entered on Core under “Jury Service” code. Report to work on days they are not assigned to a case, during the period of their obligation to the court.
Head of School / Unit
Ensure dates are entered on Core under “Jury Service” code.
Not applicable.
This policy will be reviewed as needed.