Garda Vetting / Police Clearance Policy for Students
Dublin City University (DCU) offers a number of educational programmes that require students to undertake placements, with external agencies, which will bring them into contact with the public and in which they will assume positions of trust. To ensure the protection of the public, and justify public trust of confidence, the University is committed to ensuring that only suitable applicants are allowed to undertake these programmes.
DCU is required by section 12(4)(d) of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 to operate a system of Garda vetting in respect to those students who will undertake work or activities which involves unsupervised access to children or vulnerable persons as part of their programme of study.
DCU uses the National Vetting Bureau service to obtain a vetting Disclosure which is used to assess the suitability of such applicants and may also require applicants to provide an enhanced disclosure by the completion of a sworn declaration.
DCU requires students to complete the vetting process in order to make a determination about their suitability for the programme prior to finalising their registration as a student of the University. The list of programmes where vetting is a mandatory element of the student registration process can be found at http://www.dcu.ie/registry/undergrad.shtml.
Students who accept places in programmes which require vetting will be sent the necessary information by DCU. Information about the National Vetting Bureau service and vetting Disclosure is available on the website of An Garda Síochána (Irish Police Force).
Students registering on a DCU programme of study which is delivered in another jurisdiction will be required to conform to the student vetting requirements which govern that jurisdiction.
The purpose of this document is to outline the policies and responsibilities relating to the vetting of students for participation in environments where they will have unsupervised access to children and/or vulnerable persons at locations within and outside the University, as part of approved academic programmes. This document complements the University’s Child Protection Policy and Procedures. There is a separate Vetting Policy for Staff.
This policy applies to students who will have unsupervised access to children and/or vulnerable persons as part of their University programme.
In pursuit of its mission in the field of education, Dublin City University is committed to creating a community of learning which recognises the education and wellbeing of children as paramount. In seeking to uphold the highest standards in this regard, and in order to ensure the protection and confidence of the public, the University is committed to ensuring that only suitable candidates are allowed to participate in environments where they will have unsupervised access to children and/or vulnerable persons as part of their University programmes. Vetting is one mechanism which the University uses to assist it in assessing the suitability of candidates for academic programmes. In some cases, the University may also require applicants to provide an enhanced disclosure by the completion of a statutory declaration or other such proof.
- The University is committed to ensuring that only suitable candidates participate in components of academic programmes where students may have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable persons and reserves the right, having due regard for natural justice and fair procedures, to conduct a vetting procedure on any such student at any time or times during the student’s period in the University.
- Information relating to requirements for vetting will be provided in a clear, consistent and timely manner to students.
- Each student is responsible for informing himself/herself of the need for vetting to ensure suitability for specific programmes prior to embarking on specific components of programmes and of the requirements under this policy.
- The student must proactively disclose any relevant information relating to the process of vetting to the University. This includes information relating to periods of residence outside the Republic of Ireland.
- A student may not participate in environments with unsupervised access to children or vulnerable persons until approval is obtained from the University. Such approval from the University may not necessarily guarantee a placement.
- Each student is responsible for providing information in a timely manner to the University of his/her suitability for specific academic programmes as required to complete the current vetting application process.
- All applicants who have been convicted of a criminal offence must disclose this to DCU.
- The provision of false, inaccurate, or misleading information will disqualify applicants from the selection process and for existing students may result in disciplinary action (up to and including withdrawal of registration and exit from their programme).
- If during the course of the application/registration process it transpires that an applicant has a criminal conviction (either by way of Garda Vetting or by applicant disclosure) full details of the conviction will be sought and the Garda Vetting process will commence.
- Students aged under eighteen are required to have written permission from a parent/guardian before vetting procedures can be implemented.
- Costs incurred by the student in complying with this policy are borne by the student.
- Information collected as part of this vetting process will be treated as sensitive and strictly confidential.
- Acceptance of an offer of a programme and/or provisional registration as a student of the University is deemed to be agreement with participation in the vetting process as detailed in this policy.
- Confirmation of a student’s registration is subject to vetting procedures and the University reserves the right to suspend or cancel a registration if a student does not comply with university vetting requirements and complete the vetting process.
- All applicants or registered students who previously completed the vetting process for their programme of study, must inform DCU Registry in writing of any changes to their circumstances which affects the original vetting status, e.g. convictions or pending cases. Written correspondence should be sent to studentvetting@dcu.ie
An applicant/student (both EU and non-EU) who has resided outside of Ireland for a period of time, six months or more in total, (aged 18 or over) are required to provide the following supporting documentation when submitting their Vetting Application form:
- An original Police Certificate from the jurisdiction(s) of previous residence covering the dates of residency in that jurisdiction.
- If the Police Certificate is not issued in English, the student must provide a certified translation.
Where an applicant or student cannot provide a Police Clearance Certificate/disclosure record, supporting documentation will be sought by DCU from the student as to why a Police Clearance certificate cannot be obtained. DCU reserves the right to seek a statutory declaration where a satisfactory police/criminal records disclosure cannot be obtained.
Please note that the said declaration may be accepted by DCU in the following restricted circumstances only:
- where clearance can only be obtained by resident citizens and would pose a risk for the student to return to obtain this clearance, DCU will seek guidance from relevant embassies;
- the applicant resided in the country for a period of less than six months and/or the applicant was travelling through the country and had no fixed address;
- the country is at war or experiencing political upheaval; DCU will consult with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for guidance;
- the applicant has provided correspondence demonstrating that police clearance cannot be obtained.
Notwithstanding the above, DCU reserves the right to refuse admission or cancel a registration in the absence of a satisfactory police clearance certificate/criminal record disclosure.
DCU vetting remains valid for four years. When a student’s registration extends beyond this period, it is the responsibility of the student to engage with and complete re-vetting.
The following exceptions apply to the four-year vetting expiry period:
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Education – students are re-vetted after year three.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing - General, Mental Health, Intellectual Disability and Children’s and General (Integrated) Nursing are re-vetted after any period of absence during a period of study.
- Re-vetting is required in instances where a student has advised the University that there are changes to their vetting circumstances since their original vetting status, e.g. convictions or pending cases.
The University shall appoint one or more Liaison Persons to liaise with the NVB and shall ensure that any Liaison Person completes training with the NVB before engaging with the authorising process.
The Liaison Person shall screen all applications submitted to the University and submit complete and authorised applications to the NVB.
The Liaison Person shall furnish details on all disclosures (other than NIL Disclosures) to the Chairperson of the University Student Vetting Committee. The Chairperson, having reviewed the disclosure, will determine whether the nature of the disclosure requires consideration by the University Student Vetting Committee.
The Liaison Person shall furnish all relevant details to include disclosures to the University Student Vetting Committee meetings.
The University Student Vetting Committee will consider all relevant information in relation to disclosures (other than NIL Disclosures) and make determinations on behalf of the University. Meetings of the University Student Vetting Committee shall be convened by the Chairperson. No fewer than three members shall constitute a quorum.
The University Student Vetting Committee shall consist of members as follows:
- Chairperson: Director of Registry (or nominee)
- Student Vetting Liaison Person for Students (Secretary)
- Executive Dean of each relevant Faculty (or nominee)
- Dean of Graduate Studies (or nominee)
- Relevant Head of School (or nominee)
- Programme Chairperson
- Associate Dean for Placements and Related Partnerships (or nominee)
- A representative of the Clinical Partners for Nursing and Health Care Progammes.
In addition, the University Student Vetting Committee may call on relevant academic programme experts to seek guidance on any programme specific issues. The University Student Vetting Committee shall:
- Consider information on student disclosures requiring participation in an environment with children or vulnerable persons as part of their academic programme on an individual case by case basis.
- Make determinations relating to participation of students in environments with children or vulnerable persons taking consideration of the factors listed in Appendix 2.
- Keep relevant records of decisions made.
- Reserve the right to seek character references or other relevant information from applicants for vetting, as deemed necessary by the committee.
The University reserves the right (subject to the principles of natural justice and fair procedures being applied):
- To refuse registration of a student or to refuse permission to a student to engage in activities which involve unsupervised access to children and vulnerable persons, depending on the outcome of the deliberations of the University Student Vetting Committee.
- To withdraw registration of an existing registered student depending on the outcome of the deliberations of the University Student Vetting Committee.
- To refuse participation of students in environments with children or vulnerable persons which may prevent registration on specific modules of specific courses depending on the outcome of the deliberations of the University Student Vetting Committee.
- To delay the participation of students in environments with children or vulnerable persons, depending on the outcome of the deliberations of the University Vetting Committee.
- To review previous decisions made relating to approval for participation of students in environments with children or vulnerable adults at any time.
- To require any student to reapply for vetting upon instruction.
- A decision of the University Student Vetting Committee may be appealed by the student within 14 days of the issue of the decision. The appeal should be made in writing to the University Registrar.
- The Appeal will be heard by a group Chaired by a Senior DCU Representative (nominated by the University Registrar).
- None of the original decision-makers shall hear the appeal.
- Full details of the appeal application will be considered and a decision will be communicated to the applicant by the Liaison Person.
- This decision shall be final and binding.
A candidate may appeal against the decision of the University Student Vetting Committee on the following grounds only:
- There is new evidence that was not available to the University Student Vetting Committee which might reasonably have resulted in a different decision.
- There were procedural or administrative errors such as might give rise to reasonable doubt as to whether the University Student Vetting Committee would have reached the same decision had they not occurred.
- The University Student Vetting Committee departed from the provisions of the University Policy in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the candidate.
Liaison Person, Registry - Person authorised by DCU to communicate with the NVB on behalf of the University.
Student – Responsibility to complete the Garda Vetting process.
National Vetting Bureau - The National Vetting Bureau deals with requests to vet certain prospective employees and students.
Chairperson of University Student Vetting Committee, Registry – Reviews Disclosures with Convictions to determine whether the nature of the Disclosure requires consideration by the University Student Vetting Committee.
University Student Vetting Committee – Considers all relevant information in relation to Disclosures with convictions and makes determinations on behalf of the University.
Children |
Persons under 18 years of age. |
Vulnerable Person |
A person aged 18 years or over, who is in receipt of or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation. |
National Vetting Bureau |
The National Vetting Bureau (NVB) deals with requests to vet certain prospective employees and students and issues vetting Disclosures. |
Liaison Person |
Person authorised by Dublin City University to communicate with NVB on behalf of the University and located in the Registry. |
Appendix 1 – Samples of letters to be sent to students.
Appendix 2 – Factors to be considered by the University Vetting Committee in making its determinations.
Procedure for Garda Vetting of Students - https://www.dcu.ie/registry/garda-vetting.shtml
Registry, Liaison Person, 700 5564
Details for the Procedure for Garda Vetting of Students can be found at:
Policy review will take place every three years or as required if changes are made to The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016.
Document Name |
Policy for Garda Vetting of Students |
Unit Owner |
Registry |
Version Reference |
Version 7.0 |
Approved by |
Executive |
Effective Date |
June 13th 2023 |