University Policies
Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge - Irish Language Policy
Policy Owner
Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge
Document Type
Document Approval Date
- Irish is the working language in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge and will be used in all communications with students.
- All teaching in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge will be delivered through the medium of the Irish language.
- Irish is the language consistently used in class notes, in Powerpoint presentations and in any other kind of material that may be drawn on as teaching resources in the classroom or lecture hall.
- Examinations papers and other forms of assessment (including continuous assessment) will be presented in Irish and students will be expected to answer and engage with these in Irish except in such cases where other arrangements are in place (e.g. modules taught to international students).
- Students registered on academic programmes in the School will be expected to use Irish with one another in class, be that in seminars, lectures, in computer labs or in any other place where they may be together.
Policy Name |
Irish Language Policy |
Unit Owner |
Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge |
Version Reference |
Reviewed Version 3.0 |
Approved by |
Head of School |
Effective Date |
May 14th 2021 |