Exam Leave Policy
Staff members pursuing an approved course may be given leave with pay for attendance at examinations.
This Policy applies to all staff within the university, both academic and support, that have fulfilled the normal conditions for exam / study leave.
For the purpose of exam leave, an approved course is one that has the written approval of the Human Resources Department prior to the commencement of the course by the staff member. It should also be directly related to the work and development of the member within the University.
Leave with pay may, on application, be given on the occasion of a staff member being conferred on successful completion of an approved course. Application should be made through the Head of School / Unit.
Staff Member
Application of exam leave should be made in writing to the Head of School / Unit specifying the dates and times of the exams to be attended.
Head of School / Unit
The application should be copied to the Human Resources Department once approved by the Head of School / Unit.
Human Resources
On the approval of the Head of School / Unit, leave with pay may be allowed only for the actual periods of attendance at examinations.
This policy will be reviewed as needed.