Equality & Access Policy
The University positively promotes diversity and equality of opportunity. DCU shall respond to the needs of our students and employees irrespective of gender, family status, civil status, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, membership of the traveller community or race.
This Policy confirms the University’s commitment to:
i) Develop, maintain and support a comprehensive policy of equality within the University. DCU aims to create the conditions whereby students, staff and all others associated with the University are treated equitably regardless of gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, membership of the traveller community, religious beliefs, age, civil partnership status or family status.
ii) Develop, promote, maintain and support policies to improve access to the University and to University education by economically or socially disadvantaged people, by people who have a disability and by people from sections of society significantly under-represented in the University.
This Policy applies to all units of the University, both academic and support, including its research centres and its wholly owned campus companies. These are all hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘University’.
The Policy on Equality and Access aims to ensure no job applicant or employee, prospective student or student, receives less favourable treatment on any grounds such as gender, disability, sexual orientation, race, membership of the traveller community, religious beliefs, age, civil partnership status or family status. In a context where there is under-representation of groups within the University and at levels within the University, it recognises that policies of positive action are necessary to promote equality of opportunity for all and is committed to programmes of action to make these policies fully effective, while maintaining normal quality standards.
The University will continue to review, update, develop and implement policies and practices that will promote equality of opportunity and redress imbalances within the following areas;
i) Recruitment, selection and promotion of staff;
ii) Development of staff;
iii) Personal harassment of staff and students (bullying, sexual harassment, racism);
iv) Equal opportunities for people with disabilities;
v) Work and family responsibilities;
vi) Access for those from economically or socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
These policies and procedures, as approved by Governing Authority, form part of the Equality and Access Policy of the University.
i) The President has ultimate executive responsibility for the effective development and implementation of equality and access policies.
ii) The HR Director, supported by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team, has overall delegated responsibility for coordinating the day-to-day operation of the policies and the development, maintenance, communication and monitoring of supporting procedures.
iii) The President will include in the Annual Report a progress statement on equality and access.
iv) Heads of Schools and Units are responsible for pursuing the implementation of these policies in relation to the activities of their departments.
v) Staff, students, visitors and others associated with the University have a responsibility to ensure that their actions comply with both the requirements and the spirit of the policy
Policy Violation - Any breaches of the Equality and Access Policy will be subject to the provisions detailed in the Dignity and Respect at Work and Study Policy.
This Policy should be read in conjunction with the DCU Equality and Diversity statement and Widening Participation Statement.
Any queries regarding this policy should be directed to the Human Resources Office.
This policy will be reviewed at five year intervals.
Document Name |
Equality & Access Policy |
Unit Owner |
Human Resources |
Version Reference |
Version 2.0 |
Approved by |
Director of HR |
Effective Date |
November 19th 2020 |