Adjunct Faculty Policy
Dublin City University strives to foster a culture amongst its staff and student community that is open, collegial, collaborative, student focused and ambitious. These values reflect a commitment to equality, educational opportunity, social justice, ethical behaviour and academic freedom. In applying open, transparent and merit based effective recruitment and selection procedures the University strives to attract and retain high quality staff that share and live our values. The following procedures are designed to ensure our process is planned, organised and conducted in a way that supports an objective, transparent merit based assessment of every candidate and ensure that the best candidate has been selected on their merits and abilities.
It is University policy to invite outstanding individuals from industry, business, the public service and the professions to serve as Adjunct Faculty. This policy recognizes that the applied orientation of the Universities teaching and research programmes promotes a good working relationship with the Community. The policy aims to further this relationship and to attract individuals who are committed to the University through research commitments, who are well qualified academically and who have a high degree of professional expertise and can make a valuable contribution to the University.
Appointments as Adjunct Faculty are made only to individuals who have developed a high level of expertise in fields of particular importance to the University and who demonstrate a deep commitment to active collaboration with the University in research and teaching. The responsibilities of Adjunct Faculty include, but are not limited to, teaching, conducting and supervising research, and acting in an advisory capacity.
The following titles apply:
- Adjunct Professor
- Adjunct Faculty Member
Appointment will be for periods normally not exceeding three years. The appointment may be renewable, subject to the agreement of both parties.
4.1 General
- Professional expertise and standing;
- Academic qualifications;
- Commitment to research and/or teaching in association with the University;
- Value of potential contribution to the University.
4.2 Adjunct Professor
Appointments to the rank of Adjunct Professor shall be reserved for those at senior level who would be judged to be of such standing and ability as to be eligible to hold a full chair in another University or who are eminent leaders in their professional field and distinguished by high achievement in the area relevant to their future engagement with the University.
4.3 Adjunct Faculty Member
Normally the title shall be reserved for those who would be eligible to hold a post of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level.
- Proposals shall be put forward by the Head of School for approval by the Executive
- The proposal should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources who after examination will table at the Executive.
The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for:
- (a) Administration and records related to adjunct appointments;
- (b) Maintaining consistency in all matters related to adjunct appointments.
The Director of Human Resources shall also maintain a suitable form on which the essential data for consideration by the Executive and subsequent implementation shall be set down. This data should include Curriculum Vitae, contribution to DCU and remuneration package, where appropriate;
- Proposals as Adjunct Faculty should be notified in detail to Governing Authority
- Final approval of the Governing Authority is required for all adjunct faculty appointments.
Payment will depend on the nature and extent of the adjunct relationship and each case will be considered on its merits. However, it is proposed as a general guideline that where the adjunct faculty member acts purely in an advisory capacity and attends meetings at the University, compensation will normally be in the form of travel expenses. Where a more active role is proposed, e.g. course development or research, payment may take the form of a consultancy fee. In the event of involvement in lecturing / tutoring, payment will be at the normal part-time rates.