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Study abroad: Which modules can you choose?

If you choose DCU to study for a semester or a year, you can select accredited modules from our five study abroad streams, which broadly match our five faculties. 

Choose one stream below -- it should be the stream that most closely matches your major. You can then download a list of module choices for that stream. Make sure you review the module choice checklist below and the more detailed guidelines.

Study abroad module choices (subject to change)

Download the module choices for the study abroad stream that interests you.

Please email study.abroad@dcu.ie if you have questions.

Exams or continuous assessment

Note that classes are either Exam only, Continuous Assessment (CA) or a combination of both

Module choice checklist

  • The modules you select should total between 20 and 30 ECTS credits for each semester. Always check the requirement with your home university.
  • Check if the modules you choose have prerequisites/corequisites, which is especially likely with science and engineering modules.  
  • Ensure you have at least eight to 10 modules pre-approved by your home university before you come to DCU as modules are subject to availability (some colleges have a pre-determined set of classes e.g. ECE. 
  • Make sure you receive confirmation of your module choices from the study abroad team, who will register them for you. 
  • Remember that modules can change up to the first week of each semester, so check the available choices again before you arrive as there may be new modules listed. Thereafter, you must ensure your classes are correct on Loop - this is your responsibility.

Building your Timetable

As the lists from Study Abroad stream offer such a broad choice, students must build their timetable using the opentimetable.  This short video on How to find your Study Abroad Timetable will also assist Study Abroad students.  There are also other helpful videos available on Loop.

Changing your module choice

You may change your module choices when you arrive at DCU. NOTE: Changes are not reflected on Loop in real time.  It can take up to 48 hours before students see modules on Loop.  We will notify students if there are any issues with a class choice, but otherwise on submission of form, assume that you are registered for your chosen module.  We normally contact students within one day (or less) to advise of any issues.