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Physics in Action

Our Findings So Far

Since starting the project, we have talked with teachers and pupils about their perceptions of the project and what they are learning. So far teachers and pupils are very excited about the project and are really enjoying the various embodied cognition activities. Here’s what we have found out so far:


Children learning

Children learning 

Pupils recognising the value of using all senses to develop scientific observations 


The pupils have found that using their senses in science classes is very helpful. They mentioned how their understanding of lessons was enhanced when they used different senses. For example, during the jelly lesson, being able to taste, smell and touch the jelly allowed them to learn about the texture, structure and flavour of the jelly, which as a result increased the number of observations they made about the properties of jelly.

Pupils are coming up with testable questions based on their observations


Another finding we noted was that, not only are the children making great, scientific observations, they are also coming up with testable scientific questions. After touching, smelling and tasting the jelly, they were then able to ask different questions based on their observations. For example, does different flavoured jelly dissolve at different speeds? Does the temperature of the water make a difference to how quickly the jelly dissolves? Would the jelly dissolve quicker if it was broken up into smaller pieces?





Pupils value using embodied cognition strategies to develop their understanding of science concepts 


The pupils also believed that using embodied cognition strategies helped them to understand Physics and Science. For example, when they were acting out being spinners and spreading out their arms, they remarked that their arms were like the 'wings' on the spinners and when they turned they could feel their arms moving through the air, just like a spinner falling.


Deeper interrogation of physics and science concepts through scientific inquiry and embodied cognition 


Through scientific inquiry and embodied cognition, we noted that the pupils displayed quite a deep level of interrogation. It would appear that by using embodied cognition strategies and engaging in inquiry-based investigations, the pupils were beginning to explore science in more depth. For example, during the investigation on friction (spinner and parachutes), one of the pupils in 1st class began thinking about the aerodynamics of the spinner and whether it would work better outside or inside. Another pupil questioned whether the size of a spinner's wings would make a difference to how quickly it fell.


Pupils are really enjoying the hands- on, active science lessons 


The pupils are really enjoying the lessons and in particular, being able to take part in hands-on activities. They reported that the lessons were 'fun', 'exciting' and 'different’. 





Teachers are enjoying using embodied cognition as methodology for teaching science 


One theme that emerged when speaking with the teachers was how much they enjoy using embodied cognition as a new method of teaching science. They are finding it easy to incorporate embodied cognition strategies into science lessons and are delighted with how well the children are engaging with these strategies and inquiries

Reconceptualisation of teaching physics and science generally with embodied cognition now central and valued 


We also noted that since engaging in this new way of teaching, teachers have begun to reconceptualise how they teach science, with embodied cognition being central and valued. The below quote highlights this.


“It makes me think more about how my students see the world and how I can engage their sense more not only during science but during all lessons”

- A teacher from a participating school


Final Word 

We are delighted that teachers and students are enjoying the project so far and that the new methodologies are supporting teaching and learning in science. We look forward to working with the schools, teachers, students and parents this year. Thank you so much to all the principals, teachers and pupils that have helped us so far. See you soon!