Programme Boards
Programme Boards
Programme Boards are responsible to the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committees, and ultimately, to Academic Council for the development, regulations and maintenance of the quality of DCU programmes within the context of relevant University regulations and guidelines. The Terms of reference of Programme Boards can be viewed below:
1.1 Each Programme Board is responsible to a Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee and, ultimately, to the Academic Council of the University for the development, regulation and the use of available resources to maintain the quality of the programme within the context of relevant University regulations and guidelines.
1.2 The Programme Board is the forum for formal discussion of programme design, content, and delivery.
1.3 The Programme Board is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the programme and for monitoring the performance of students on the programme.
1.4 The Programme Board will make recommendations regarding the admission of students to the programme and, within the context of the University’s Marks and Standards, regulations that govern the determination of students' results and their progression in the programme.
2.1 Each Programme Board, subject to review by the relevant Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee and, ultimately, the Academic Council of the University, shall:
- (a) Make recommendations, as appropriate, to the relevant Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee regarding the structure and content of the programme and any regulations that should pertain to that programme or elements within the programme.
- (b) Ensure that the programme learning outcomes are fully supported by the modules on the academic structure of the programme and the modes of assessment in each module.
- (c) On an annual basis, review the academic structure, content, entry requirements and assessment methodologies of the programme, in line with University procedures on Annual Programme Review, to ensure its academic coherence and its maintenance of academic standards nationally and internationally.
- (d) On a cyclical basis, usually every five years, undertake an in-depth review of the Programme in line with University procedures on Periodic Programme Review and/or procedures for professional accreditation, to ensure its academic coherence and its maintenance of academic standards nationally and internationally.
- (e) Develop, as necessary, programme-wide guidelines regarding approaches to teaching and learning, assessment and grading practices, aligned, as appropriate, to Faculty and University norms and guidelines.
- (f) Make recommendations regarding the admission of students in accordance with approved regulations and policies.
- (g) Approve student applications for transfer, deferral, and leave of absence in accordance with approved regulations and policies.
- (h) Support the implementation of University strategy in relation to teaching and learning.
- (i) Drawing on relevant data and systems, monitor the performance of students on the programme and, in particular, progression and completion rates.
- (j) Oversee the academic quality of the programme and, as appropriate and within available resources, develop mechanisms to assure and enhance the quality of all academic activities.
- (k) Act with the School, the Faculty, and the University in promoting the programme and in enhancing its relationship with all its stakeholders, including relevant professional bodies.
2.2 The Programme Board may form sub-committees with defined aims as it deems necessary and may delegate relevant functions to such sub-committees.
2.3 The Programme Board and any of its sub-committees may, where necessary and/or in exceptional circumstances, delegate authority to the chair of the Programme Board to facilitate decision-making outside the normal schedule of meetings of the Programme Board or its sub-committees.
3.1 The Head of School having responsibility for the programme at that time shall appoint a member of academic staff to be Chairperson of the Programme Board. Where a programme is managed at Faculty level, the Executive Dean of the Faculty shall appoint the Chairperson.
3.2 The term of office of the Chairperson will normally be for a period of three years but may be terminated before that by the Head of School (or Executive Dean of Faculty where the programme is managed at Faculty level). The term of office may be renewed for a further three years.
3.3 The Chair of the Programme Board shall:
- (a) Convene and chair meetings of the Programme Board, ensuring its proper and effective operation.
- (b) Lead periodic quality assurance and quality enhancement processes such as Annual and Periodic Programme Review.
- (c) Lead the implementation of School, Faculty and University strategies as they affect the programme.
- (d) Build effective relationships with all stakeholders, including external and professional bodies.
- (e) Perform ceremonial and representative roles in respect of the programme where appropriate, e.g., representing the programme at graduate ceremonies.
3.4 The Chair may make decisions in regard to the programme or to students applying to or registered to the programme on the delegated authority of the Programme Board (Section 2.3 applies).
4.1 The Programme Board is normally comprised of the following voting members:
- (a) The Chair of the Programme Board
- (b) All module coordinators and teaching staff for modules currently taught on the programme
- (c) Student representatives, comprising all elected class representatives for the programme
- (d) The Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning for the Faculty having responsibility for the programme
- (e) The Head of School having responsibility for the programme (or Executive Dean or nominee in the case of a Faculty-managed programme)
4.2 A member of the School or Faculty administration team shall be a non-voting member of the Programme Board and act as Secretary to the board.
4.3 Where a programme has been developed in association with an external partner organisation, the terms of such a partnership may provide for nominees of such organisations to be voting members of the Programme Board.
5.1 The Programme Board shall meet at least once per semester in line with Faculty calendars.
5.2 A quorum shall be one third of the membership of the Programme Board.
5.3 The meeting of the board shall be convened by the Chair with a minimum of five working days’ notice of a meeting.
5.4 Where the Chair is unable to attend a meeting of the board, he or she may nominate a member of the board to act as chairperson for that meeting.