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Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs


Primary Department
Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Vice-President, Academic Affairs/Registrar
Work Area/Key Responsibilities
Vice-President Academic Affairs / Registrar
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Professor Lisa Looney is DCU Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar and a member of the DCU senior management team. As well as having responsibility for units within Academic Affairs, Lisa leads both the DCU Futures project and the Student Information System project: two very significant transformational projects underway in the university. She is a member of the board of ECIU university. 

Prior to taking up her current role, she was Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computing (2017-2020), Dean of Graduate Studies (2011-2016), and a founding member of academic staff in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in DCU.

In her role as Executive Dean, Lisa championed strategic curriculum renewal, broadening the programme portfolio to include fully online delivery for postgraduate learners in key technology areas, infrastructure development to support innovative pedagogy and transnational partnerships for the provision of master’s programmes in PNU (KSA) and Wuhan University (China). Her focus on growing capacity by making academic appointments in strategic prioritised areas has laid the foundation for a significant the renewal of the staffing profile and underpins succession planning for research capability of the Faculty, which is home to three large Science Foundation Ireland-funded research centres. She has been a champion for women in STEM over a number of decades. 

As Dean of Graduate Studies in DCU, and was particularly active in the European Universities Association Council for Doctoral Education. She was heavily involved in drafting the Irish National Framework for Doctoral Education, and led the development of Ireland’s Framework of Good Practice for Research Degree Programmes published in 2019.

Research interests

Lisa's focus is the optimisation of advanced processes to improve functionality of structural and biomaterials. Specific ares include: biomaterials (ceramic /polymer composites), Powder Metallurgy, Thermal Spraying and Surface Engineering.