Reflecting on ‘assessment’
2. The variety of approaches to assessment
assignments successfully
Whatever the format of assessment used, there are a number of things
you can do to assist you to complete the task successfully.
- Read the assignment thoroughly
and ensure that you fully understand what is required.
- If you have any questions ask them
early, even if you don’t plan to start the assignment
immediately. Matching what you do in the assignment to what
is required will help ensure success.
- If possible try to identify
logical tasks into which you can break the assignment. You could use a
mind map as a tool for structuring your assignment at this
stage. (Mind mapping was discussed as a possible strategy in
the unit, ‘Active listening: note-taking in
lectures’). Ask your lecturers if the tasks look
- Try to schedule all
assignments into your study timetable and give them some attention each
week. This will help you to avoid the stress and panic which is
inevitable when you only start to work on an assignment close to its
deadline. See units, ‘Planning: setting goals and
prioritising’ and ‘Organising and managing your
- For written assignments refer
to the units under the heading, ‘Struggling with
- Establish whether it is ok
with your lecturers to submit a draft or outline of the assignment at
an early stage to get feedback on whether or not you are on the right
- Avoid doing ‘last
minute’ things such as working through the night or skipping
classes to get an assignment finished. If you have been working
consistently then usually you will have maximised the marks you are
going to get before that last minute stage. Also it is quite common for
people to delete, disimprove or otherwise undo good work through
mistakes made under pressure!
Try this ‘ Assignment Calculator’ developed by the
University of Minnesota. It provides you with a step-by-step
schedule to complete your assignment based on your
‘start’ and ‘due’
dates. It also takes your particular discipline into account! , |