Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Fourth International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms Changing students - Changing universities: Developments and policies
International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms
Changing students - Changing universities: Developments and policies
Dublin, September 1 - 2, 2007
Saturday 1 September
9.30-10.00 Registration and coffee10.30-10.45 Introduction to the Fourth International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms
Professor Maria Slowey, Workshop Co-Chair, Vice President for Learning Innovation and Registrar Dublin City University, Ireland
Session One
11.00-12.00 Keynote SpeakerProfessor Tom Collins, Head of Education Department, National University of Ireland Maynooth
12.00–13.00 Plenary Panel: Policies and practice of internationalisation in higher education
Chair: Professor Hans Schuetze, Workshop Co-Chair, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Dr. Elsa Hackl, University of Vienna, Austria
- Professor Rolf von Luede, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Professor Heather Smigiel, Flinders University, Australia
- Professor Ronnie Munck, Academic Theme Leader, Internationalisation and Interculturalism, DCU, Ireland
13.00–14.30 Lunch
Session Two
14:30 – 16:15 Plenary Session: National policies on access and learningChair and Discussant: Professor Shinichi Yamamoto, Hiroshima University, Japan
The educational gap in Ireland
Dr Mark Morgan, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin, Ireland
Subordination, inclusion and diversion in English higher education
Professor Gareth Parry, University of Sheffield, England, UK
Access policies: between institutional competition and the search for equality of opportunities
Professor Alberto Amaral, Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies, Portugal
Austria: The open access system under attack
Professor Hans Pechar, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
16:15 -16.30 Coffee
Session Three
16.30-17:45 Parallel SessionsSession A: Graduate Education
Chair and Discussant: Professor Akira Arimoto, Professor and Director, Research Institute for Higher Education, Hijiyajma University, Japan
An assessment of policy initiatives steering doctoral studies in South Africa
Professor Laetus O.K. Lategan, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
The new innovators: Supporting Graduate Students to become future Faculty
Professor Heather Smigiel, Flinders University, Australia
Session B: Education and Learning
Chair and Discussant: Dr Elsa Hackl, University of Vienna
Guarantee student learning: Institutional support activities and staff
Professor Jun Oba, Hiroshima University, Japan
Creating an Innovative Learning Environment in Chinese Higher Education Context: Unbundling Cultural and Disciplinary Myths
Professor Yihong Fan, Xiamen University, China
Unchanged first-year retention
Professor Per Olaf Aamodt, NIFU STEP, (Studies in Innovation, Research and Education), Norway
Academic freedom and university standards for teaching and research
Professor Maria Yudkevich, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Evening entertainment: 1838 Club, DCU
19.00-20.00 Welcome reception20.00 Gala dinner
Sunday 2 September
Session Four
08.30 - 9.1509.30-10.15 Keynote address
Challenges for teaching and learning and the consequences for the organisation of universities
Professor Ada Pellert, Donau-Universitat Krems, Austria
10.15-11.15 Plenary Panel: New students, new ways of learning
Chair and discussant: Professor Lesley Anders, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Professor Yihong Fan, Xiamen University, China
- Professor Jun Oba, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Professor Andrae Wolter, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
11.15-11.30 Coffee
Session Five
11.30-12.45 Plenary Session: New policies, new faculty, new studentsChair: Professor Rolf von Lude, University of Hamburg, Germany
Past and Present Academic Profession in Japan: Comparison of the Carnegie international surveys of 1992 and 2007
Professor Akira Arimoto, Hijiyama University, Japan
Participation and Completion and the Changing Composition of the Student Body in German Higher Education
Professor Andrae Wolter, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Reviewing Canadian Post-Secondary Education: An Analysis of Recent Canadian Post-Secondary Education Policy Reviews
Dr Dale Kirby, Memorial University, Canada
12.45-13.30 Lunch
Session Six
13.30-14.30 Parallel Paper SessionsSession A: Learning within and across regions
Chair and discussant: Professor Sumin Li, Tianjin Normal University, China
Economic issues in teaching and learning
Chair and Discussant: Professor Hans Pechar, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Widening access: Implications outside the metropolis
Professor Hervey Gibson, COGENT Strategies International Ltd, Scotland, UK
Session B: Economic issues in teaching and learning
Chair and discussant: Professor Hans Pechar, University of Klagenford, Austria
The emerging ‘financial identities’ of fee-paying students
Dr Anna Round, Northumbria University, England UK
Improving efficiency and equity in higher education through economic incentives: How does it work? Intended and unintended effects of changes in the system of student support in Norway
Dr Vibeke Opheim, NIFU STEP (Studies in Innovation, Research and Education), Norway
The future of the Erasmus Programme: Results of the 2006 ESN survey
Dr Ewa Krzaklewska, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
14.30-15.30 Overview of Workshop themes and discussions: Conclusions for Policy and Research
Rapporteurs: Professor Hans G. Schuetze, University of British Columbia, Canada
Professor Shinichi Yamamoto, Hiroshima University, Japan
Closing words: Professor Maria Slowey, Dublin City University, Ireland
15.30 Irish Cultural Event
The 2007 all-Ireland final of Ireland’s unique sport of hurling will be shown on large screen. Dr Mark Morgan, St Patrick’s College Drumcondra, will provide an introduction for international colleagues (along with some traditional Irish beverages!).