Dr Peter Tiernan

Dr Peter Tiernan, Associate Professor of Digital Learning, Institute of Education, DCU
Dr Peter Tiernan is an Associate Professor of Digital Learning and Digital Literacy at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University. Peter is responsible for the design, delivery and evaluation of a broad range of modules at the Institute of Education, which enable teachers and other educators to harness the potential of technology in education while becoming critical evaluators of technology and the role it plays in teaching and learning, and society more broadly.
Peter has led multiple nationally and internationally funded research projects, and has an extensive research publication record with multiple articles in top-tier international journals. His research covers the spectrum of digital learning, but he has a specialist interest in digital literacy and its development among students and wider society.
Peter hosts a monthly education research podcast, ‘Let’s Talk Education Research’, which focuses on disseminating new research and exploring new avenues for research collaboration. He is a member of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) executive, the Campus Entrepreneurship Educators Network (CEEN), and the Further Education and Training Research Centre (FETRC).