Periodic Programme Review
Information on Periodic Programme Review
The purpose of DCU’s Periodic Programme Review (PPR) process is to fulfil DCU’s commitment to consistent, transparent quality assurance, by means of a rigorous and effective quality monitoring process. It provides evidence that DCU’s internal quality assurance and enhancement processes are reliable and effective. It enables DCU to meet both internal and external requirements in an embedded and on-going periodic review procedure which is sufficiently robust to withstand external review. It therefore articulates with, and builds on, the initial processes of validation and accreditation of new programmes.
Programmes offered must continue to meet the academic standards set both by DCU and relevant external bodies. In the case of DCU this includes assuring itself that its internal quality assurance and enhancement processes are fit for purpose, satisfy the requirements of national and professional/statutory bodies, and conform to the European Standards and Guidelines. Further information can be found at the links the below.
PPR Policy and Procedures can be accessed on the Policies and Regulations webpage.
Template for External Reviewer (PPR) can be accessed on the A - Z Forms webpage.
Template for Periodic Programme Review (PPR) can be accessed on the A - Z Forms webpage.
PPR External expert nomination form can be accessed on the A - Z Forms webpage.
The Annual Programme Review Report Form (APR) can be accessed on the A - Z Forms webpage.